Muhan Rams Hanji is in its 4th month! Time really flies.
I was excited to lose 6 kilos after receiving follow-up care for 3 months and get the size I wanted. I
made appointments every day, ate and had fun for a month, and then gained 4 kilos. What's surprising is that my legs don't gain, but I can feel them swelling and I'm afraid I'll go back to the old days. I am receiving treatment again with HPL treatment.
I went to Achasan Mountain on the day of rzl treatment.
Can I do vigorous exercise right away? So I asked about it, and they said that if you move a lot, your blood circulation improves and the medication is absorbed better. I had a good trip. The amazing thing is that by the time I come down, the bumps have become a lot flatter!!! When I went up, I covered my legs with a jacket, but when I came down, I wore a pair of pants!
If you want to double the effect after receiving HPL, do a lot of stretching + diet + exercise!!!
I was prescribed an appetite suppressant again and underwent surgery, and my diet is now well established. I am also losing weight again. Phew, everyone, please share some tips on how to manage your diet.