It’s been just over two months since we started hosting Palmuhan Rams!
I promised myself that I would succeed in dieting this year and wear a bikini, but I don't want to exercise...I guess I'm getting older...but I
can't lose weightㅠㅠㅠ
I was thinking about how to diet, but I decided to start with my arms, such as liposuction injections, liposuction, etc., so
I did arm liposuction. I went through the injection procedure and am completely satisfied with it!!!
When I was hosting Eight Muhan Rams, I was worried a lot about whether I might end up losing my arm, but
don't worry about that... give it to me!!! LOL
What do you guys think?
[@Pigeon poop] Wow...thank you..!! I was really worried that my arms would just fall off after doing infinite ramming, but I was very satisfied with the overall lines I was getting!!!!