Job Review

[종아리성형] Calf Reduction Surgery Review

Date 10.03.17 12:39:37 View 2,782
122952_20100317141620_1.bmp (225.1K), Down : 2, 0000-00-00 00:00:00

Because of my biceps, I couldn't even wear skirts. Compared to my upper body, my calves were particularly thick and had a lot of muscle. I was always stressed about my calves , but then a friend told me that muscle reduction surgery was popular these days, so I started looking on the Internet. But there are too many hospitals. , I wanted to have a successful surgery with slim legs. I live in a rural area, so I was thinking about doing it in nearby Daegu, but I thought it might go wrong, so I looked into Seoul. Then I found the place called JS Beauty Clinic. Unlike other places, the explanations are good and it seems like a lot of celebrities visit there as well. There are also a lot of pictures of their surgery reviews. So, I received a consultation and had medial muscle atrophy in 2007. I was very worried, but it didn't really hurt, perhaps because it was a procedure. After doing it, it hurts for a moment when the anesthesia wears off, and the pain subsides within 2 hours. I don't feel much for about a month. I wonder if my muscles will disappear. After a month, the stubborn muscles disappeared. I lost 5cm, and I became slimmer because I had no muscles. I was very satisfied and had the outer side treatment after 2 years. These days, I always wear a skirt. I think legs are the most important thing for a woman... ^^ Don't hesitate and do it... Otherwise, stress is no joke.

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가격이랑 바로 일상생활해도 문제없는지좀 쪽지주세요
10-03-19 08:08
정보좀 부탁드려요 ★
10-04-06 17:22
가격이랑 병원정보좀 부탁드립니다 ^^
10-04-08 12:32
병원이랑 비용좀 알려주세요 부탁드려요 ^^
10-04-08 15:18
DL Plastic Surgery Clinic
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