Job Review

Thigh jaundice one week review!

Date 22.01.06 23:15:41 View 1,629
During days

The area I live in is far from Seoul, and the surgery itself was scary due to side effects, so I was worried about dialysis a lot. I happened to see an advertisement and thought I should get a consultation, so I ended up getting a consultation at another hospital. But that hospital only consulted with the director and on the day of the surgery. I was able to see the doctor. And I said I was worried because they advertised the event too much, so I made an appointment at 4 more hospitals and consulted. The second place I went to was the place where the surgery was performed. I was convinced as soon as I went. I wanted to do it here. ! I think I made up my mind because he spoke sweetly and confidently that he wouldn't ruin the beauty of people in their 20s. To be honest, if I made up my mind and went to another hospital, they wouldn't listen. The price was a bit burdensome, but...  I scheduled the surgery date the day I received the consultation, but I was worried about whether I should have the surgery. I was wondering whether I should just exercise to lose weight, or because I was told that exercise would not change my body shape at all, so I decided to go on the day of the surgery and have another consultation! So I went there, but I couldn't really worry about it. It was going at super fast speed and before I knew it, I was lying on the operating table receiving anesthetic. When I woke up, the surgery was over and I was wearing a compression garment. I slept in Seoul for a day, got treated the next day, and went home. On the first day, even though I took painkillers, I kept waking up at dawn. ?? It was uncomfortable and a different kind of pain..ㅠㅠ The time I saw it after the surgery wasn't that big of a deal... I was looking for reviews and was wondering if the first time you see it after the surgery is the key to success? I was worried when I saw that there wasn't much cut, but Jiheup said he would wait for me!! From the second day on, it was really hard because the swelling was so bad. I had the surgery without my parents knowing, so I couldn't show that I was in pain. I went to work 4 days after the surgery, but I thought I was going to die. The bruises got bigger and bigger. I always hid it at home with sleep pants. Haha, I will come back with a review in a month..!!  For reference, I'm 163kg and 58kg and my upper body is still slim, but my lower body is the only area where the fat is concentrated, and if the pants fit my hips and thighs, I feel like I have a big waist and can't buy pretty pants.'

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Cmts 11
저도 하고싶네요 ㅎㅎ 수고하셨어요
22-01-07 00:25
수술 잘 된 것 같아요!!
22-01-07 12:10
와우 그래도 참을만 하셨나보네여 ㅜ? 기차까지 타고 가시다니 대단해여 ㅠㅠ
22-01-07 22:37
[@iiilliiililililit] 비행기 타구 갔어욤 ㅠㅠ
22-01-08 07:06
You will be pretty
22-01-08 14:20
It's good here.
22-01-12 12:13
* this is a secret.
22-01-12 13:50
[@Tabi]   I did it for about 3.8 million won! ㅠㅠ
22-01-12 13:54
[@Whtl] Oh , thank you for your response. There is a saying that surgeries are being delayed a bit these days ㅠㅠ
22-01-12 14:03
How many cc did you have? The line is pretty ㅜ
22-01-23 00:05
Wow, it looks like my legs.
22-05-14 23:31
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