Job Review

I had liposuction and hip-up surgery~ [Photo attached]

Date 08.12.17 15:24:58 View 6,243

It's been 3 months since my abdominal liposuction and S-line hip-up surgery. Ah~ 3 months have already passed. When I think about that time, I still feel so terrible. But after looking at the before and after photos, I think I would do it again if I had to do it again.. haha. I received consultations from two places. A had a lot of explanations and before-and-after photos of liposuction, but there were not many before-and-after photos of hip-ups, while B had many before-and-after photos of both surgeries . The cost was similar. A was a little cheaper, but the after-care was a bit poor. There were many before-and-after photos and the after-care seemed to be good, so I chose b. I decided on abdomen and flank liposuction and hip-up surgery. The surgery was multi-step laser liposuction. And the hip-up surgery was called S-line hip-up surgery, so I decided to have liposuction and implant placement together. I also set a date for the surgery. When I first told my mother I was going to have surgery, she was very upset, but she still respected my decision. After all the preparations, I couldn't sleep at all the night before the surgery. I was excited and scared... I headed to the hospital early in the morning, unable to sleep at all. My mom tried to convince me to think again as she left, but I couldn't do that. After the surgery preparations were completed, I met the director, said goodbye to my mom, and entered the surgery room. I think I fell into a deep sleep with the words, “Anesthesia is starting.” I remember feeling cold and painful afterwards . In particular, I was comforting her buttocks… ㅜㅜ Because of the hip-up surgery, I couldn't lie down straight, and the only way to feel comfortable was to lie slightly sideways. I have a hard time sleeping unless I lie down straight. When my mom saw me like this, she left her recovery room. I think she shed tears. Well, anyway, since the water has already been spilled, I have no choice but to work hard to recover..^^ There was a blood bag on my buttocks. And she was tied up with bandages, so we couldn't see how much of a change there was, and even after liposuction, the bandages made it difficult for her to breathe properly... … And on the second day after surgery, I took off the bandage~ I felt like I was going to live.. haha ​​Seeing my butt for the first time… It's completely changed. Regardless of the size or shape, I was so happy to think that my side profile would be fantastic even if I wore jeans. But my stomach... Unbelievable… Bruises… . When will it all fall out? The first thing that came to my mind was... The director said the progress was good... Is this really true?? I only had questions. On the third day, I was discharged from the hospital, minus the blood bag. It was very difficult to move, it was very difficult to lie down, it was really hard... Thinking about it now, I don't even know when it happened... On the 5th day, I received laser treatment... I received laser treatment to relieve some of the pain in the liposuction area. The director checked the shape and size again and made another appointment two days later. On the 7th day, I received laser treatment again and had stitches removed from the liposuction area. I also had some stitches removed from the area where the hip lift was done.. After about a week, it became a little more comfortable. Walking is less awkward and sitting is not uncomfortable... Feeling like a foreign body? I could barely feel it.. The stitches on my buttocks were removed on the 10th day. And from the 3rd week, you start receiving treatment, and I heard that it is a treatment that will revive your body line. The first time I had it done, it was absolutely painful...ㅜㅜ I was worried when they told me I would have to get it three times... By the way, I really liked my butt, so I told the hospital woman and asked her to send me before and after pictures of my butt by email. Haha , but... I think not only my body changed because of the surgery... I changed a lot, like someone who received psychiatric counseling. Haha, after the surgery , I gave up the snacks I loved... I also gave up the pizza I loved... I didn't eat anything after 6 o'clock . They gave me a maintenance service lol. I wonder if you liked the cake I bought... ..hahaha I think about the saying that there is no business when it comes to food, hahaha... ^^v It's been 3 months now, and I'm very proud to see that it's still holding up well. And many people say that they can feel the lump when an implant is inserted into the buttocks. I don't know. I just feel like I'm alive... I also had butt injections and it was fine. Actually, in the past, my height was 165cm and my weight was just under 59cm...ㅠㅠ and my pants size was 30. Now I am the same height, weight 52 and pants size 26. The thighs fit so well, the hips are perfect, and the abdomen is completely flat... I could even see the ribs... I thought I didn't have any ribs on my body...^^;; Hehe, if there is anyone who is hesitant, I really want to tell them. It's not just surgery, you also have to put in effort, and be careful when looking for a hospital to have surgery!! You have to go to a good place.. I hope my review can be used as a reference by those who are afraid ^^ Here are the before and after photos of the buttocks I received at the hospital (the butt photos were taken 2 weeks after the surgery), and the photos taken in a defenseless state before the surgery (unintentionally). I took a picture of my butt.. noooo...) I will upload a photo after the surgery that I took with intention. Haha, it's hard to see the butt, but if you look closely, you'll see that the line coming down from the back has changed~ haha ​​These days, it feels good to take pictures of the back~~Umhahaha!!

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오~~ 진짜 4인치나 빠졌어요??
나도 정보좀 주삼~~
08-12-17 15:40
우와~~~ 님너무 좋으시겠어여. 완전 날씬해 지셨네여~ 부럽부럽..저도 배가 많이 나오고, 엉덩이도 쳐져서 너무 스트레스인데,ㅜㅜ 너무 잘되셨네여. 정보좀 주실수 있을까여?? 저도 날씬해 지고 싶어여~~ㅜㅜ
08-12-17 15:41
저도 좀 생각하는데 정보좀 주세요
08-12-17 15:41
정보 좀 주세요..
08-12-17 15:43
너무 잘되셧다~~~ 어디서 하셨어여??저도 정보좀 주세여~
08-12-17 15:49
헉! 완전 멋지네요~!
저두 지흡은 했는데 엉덩이가 처져서약간 고민중이거든요...
힙업수술 정보 좀 알려주세요~
08-12-17 15:54
엉덩이 넘 예쁘네여~~ 완전 이쁘게 됏어여. 저도 정보주세여~ ㅋ
08-12-17 16:03
오,, 잘되셨네여. 저도 병원정보좀주세여~
08-12-17 16:11
여러분 감사합니다~저는 고생한 보람이 있는 것 같아요^^
쪽지 보내드렸으니 확인해보세요~
08-12-17 16:11
저도 정보주세여~ ㅋ
08-12-17 16:14
알맹님~ 쪽지 보내드렸으니 확인해보세요~♡
08-12-17 16:27
수술 정말 잘 되셨나봐요~ 축하드립니다^^
08-12-17 18:23
와우~ 정말 힙이 업~! 돼셨네요.. 정보좀 주세요
08-12-17 18:24
뒷태가 예술일것 같아요... 부럽삼..
08-12-17 18:26
수술전 사진 저랑 같네요..ㅋ 저두 정보좀 부탁드려요..^^
08-12-28 22:36
님 저두 꼭꼭 정보 주셔요!~
08-12-30 06:43
성원에 감사드립니다~ 쪽지 발송드렸습니다^^
08-12-30 17:48
넘넘잘대써여 정보점주세여 ㅠㅠ
09-01-01 23:32
이뻐지자님 쪽지 보내드렸습니다~
09-01-02 13:04
저도 정보좀주세요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
09-01-03 20:45
저도 알려주세요.. 정보부탁드려요.. 부럽네요
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09-01-09 06:02
힙라인 예술이세요!!!!! 요즘 정보 알아보고 있는데 지흡은 말고 힙만요. 꼭 병원이랑 가격 정보 부탁드려요.
09-01-12 16:26
쪽지 보내주세요 ~ 예뻐요 ㅋ
09-01-15 17:12
정보 부탁 드려요...저도 꼭 하고 싶어요,,,????
09-01-19 00:41
정보는 쪽지로 보내드렸습니다^^
09-01-20 17:07
저도 정보 부탁드려요~~
09-01-21 11:49
저도 정보 부탁드려요~
09-01-22 03:40
저도 정보부탁드려요~~~
09-01-23 21:15
지방흡입 어서 하셨는지 정보좀뇨!!
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비용이랑 정보좀주세요...님글의 완전감동임돠...쪽지주세요
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09-02-06 17:33
님 비용이랑 그외 정보 부탁드려요 꼭이요
09-02-15 13:08
09-03-04 00:04
어디서 하셨어여..?정보좀 주세요
09-03-05 15:08
저도 힙업하고싶네요~
15-11-03 13:36
NEET Plastic Surgery
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여러 병원을 둘러보고 제일 잘 맞는 곳이라는 생각에 수술까지 했어 ㅎㅎ 시설도 깔끔해서 좋았고 스탭분들도 친절하셔서 첫인상부터 맘에 들었움! 상담도 자세하게 해주셔서 더욱 믿음이 갔었고 내가 질문이 많은 편인데도 다 답변해주셨던 기억이 있어서 여러모로 좋았어 나는 낮은 콧대, 코끝을 높이고 복코와 매부리 교정 (재료는 실리콘, 비중격연골, 귀연골 사용) 이렇게 수술을 진행했는데 코수술이 첨이라 그런가 긴장이 많이 됐었거든… 근데 수술방분들께서 너무 친절하셔서 안심하고 수술에 들어갔어 ㅋㅋ 진짜 친절하심 수술 후에도 상담, 관리 부분에서 부족한 점이 없다고 느꼈고 개인적으로 굉장히 만족스러워 지금 수술한지 한 3주 좀 넘었는데 라인도 마음에 들고 확실히 자연스러운 코 전문이시라고 느꼈어 ㅎㅎ 자연스러운 코 좋아하고 자세한 상담 원하면 추천해
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