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[Fat Dissolving Injection] 4th week review of forearm fat extraction injection (bruising after the procedure)

Date 23.04.12 21:43:59 View 2,032
365mc병원 (강남본점)
During days
30 Days

hello ! The other day, I wrote a review on the 10th day of fat injection for forearm fat injection, and the response was quite good, so I brought a month-long review! In the meantime, I received an aftercare procedure, and the pain gradually decreased!! Still, for the past 3 weeks, it hurts a lot when I raise my arms wide, such as while washing my hair and tying it. And no bruises at all now!! I'm going to come back with another bruise for the aftercare procedure that I'm going to do during the week this week ㅠㅠ I'm glad I did in the weather to wear long sleeves . As I emphasized in the last article, I recommend wearing it in long-sleeved weather. Some people asked if it could be worn in the summer! Since it is a procedure performed by drilling a slightly larger hole in the treatment area, after all the procedures, the hole formed a scab, and the healing tickle during the process, so I was a little nervous! I thought a lot that the wound might get worse on a hot summer day or on a humid day! And above all, the bruise is very large and a little unsightly ㅠㅠ You can apply the prescribed bruise cream well, but it still takes at least 2 weeks...!! In addition, during the post-care procedure, you will receive a mesolipolysis injection, and even that will cause quite a few bruises. Some parts do not go away well... ㅜㅜ If you really have to do it in the summer, I hope you cover it with something like a thin cardigan. !! -------------------------------------------------- -------------- Anyway, I ate a huge... binge a week before my period . Even though my body is swollen (originally, it swells a lot during menstruation) I took a picture like this and compared it, only the arm fat really fell out. Yes .. And when I talk to my friends, they pat my forearm, but it really hurts ㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋ It doesn't show much in the picture, but in real life, I've lost a lot, so it's actually a little awkward, and whenever I look at my clothes, I'm happy..! ! I think I did a really good job.. Hahaha After menstruation is over, I need to focus on reducing the amount of sweets and getting rid of the swelling!! This summer, I must proudly wear a sleeveless shirt..!!! Thank you for reading the long article! I'll come back with another review when the time comes. Bye ~~ :-)

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와 뭐야 부러워 ㅠㅠ
23-04-13 11:07
와 팔뚝 많이 빠졌다!
23-04-14 13:41
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-04-14 16:01
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-04-27 00:10
많이 빠졌다!!
23-04-16 12:18
와 대박...나도 팔이 제일 고민인데 ㅠㅠㅠ 관리도 잘해줘야 한다는데 너무 어렵다 !!
23-04-17 15:52
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-06-11 21:41
Wona Plastic Surgery
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