Job Review

[Liposuction] Sinsa station forearm fat dissolving injection review #6

Date 23.05.25 22:31:58 View 1,331
365mc병원 (강남본점)

It's been about 2 months since I had a fat extraction injection. Now the weather is getting really hot. It's summer weather. .. Even if I think about it again, I think it was a good idea to have the procedure around spring!! * Be sure to wear long sleeves in the weather when performing the procedure!! Haha I recommend it to my friends to do it around February or March haha ​​I wore short sleeves to work this week as the weather rose to 30 degrees. In addition, the effect of improving the shoulder line was the effect of improving the shoulder line haha. .!! You know that if your forearms are even a little fat, you will look fatter . !! ㅠㅠ I'm thrilled ㅠㅠ It's still 2 months old, so I haven't lost much, but I heard that the true golden age is the 3rd month!! I'm looking forward to how much more I'll lose by the 3rd month hahaha  It's to the point where I hear people asking if I've lost weight hahaha The team leader said that hahaha Oh, and what I liked more and more was that my breasts look really big. There is this, but the fat extraction injection is not removed by vigorous exercise, but only the necessary parts are removed through the procedure, so the chest remains intact! Since it is maintained and the unnecessary fat on the sides (arm fat) disappears, there is even an optical illusion that makes the chest look bigger . . Ha ha ha ha .. I should have done it earlier... I'm regretting that I should have done it when I was younger .. Anyway !!! I brought you such a short review today! If you have any questions about prices, hospital information, or anything else, please leave a comment.

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Cmts 8
There are too many ㅠㅠ
23-05-26 13:02
* this is a secret.
23-05-27 11:22
* this is a secret.
23-06-04 02:10
It's really too expensive ㅜㅜ In the first place, I think cheaper rooms and other apartments are a much better fit!!
23-06-17 16:05
Wow, you look so pretty!!
23-06-26 10:15
Can I know the price information??
23-07-03 02:00
How many times have you been hit??
23-08-31 10:15
Wow, it went so well ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Can I ask for some information?!?
23-09-21 16:45
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