Job Review

[Liposuction] Review of abdominal liposuction for obese people

Date 24.06.24 16:15:58 View 1,425
450 만원
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256 Days

I always thought about writing a review^^, but I am writing this belatedly... A review of almost a year of abdominal pain! I suddenly gained over 10kg...! Once I gained weight, it was difficult to lose it and my depression got worse. If I neglected it for two years, I became more and more broken... So I chose Jiheup~ I have no regrets~! Just by looking at the picture, the stretch marks are completely gone??? Fortunately, the stretch marks were before they turned white, so it seems that they have healed on their own by breathing and reducing the surface area of ​​the skin... When I gained weight and developed stretch marks, I was shocked and applied stretch mark cream all the time... but it is easy to get rid of them . It was folded ㅜㅜ Although it was a 360-degree surgery for the cancer, the doctor seemed to have done a great job removing it. ㅜㅜReally.. both the doctor and I were satisfied as we watched the progress haha. Well... I was recovering after the surgery, so I ate well and rested^^ After the winter, I was so busy eating that I didn't take care of myself^^, so the weight change wasn't dramatic, but before the surgery: 77 kg . After (at the time of the progress photo): There was a slight change of 72kg! haha ​​Still, the doctor scolded me saying I had to go on a diet... So I started dieting after the day of the progress photo... Now I've lost up to 65kg... haha ​​Around here People who haven't seen you in a while are surprised and ask why you lost so much weight. Diet is definitely better than dialysis.. haha ​​But I am really satisfied with the results of dialysis!! If I had dieted on my own without aspiration, it would have been very difficult to achieve this shape. In the future, if I want to reach a normal weight, I will have to continue dieting... But if there are any areas that are not losing weight, I will run to the director again haha ​​If I want to have aspiration again, I will come to this hospital! ! Until then... the hospital cannot be closed... ㅜㅠㅠ I hope my review will be helpful to the wedding artists. Haha. You can also see my previous post about reviews such as when I was walking around the hospital and right after the surgery, so please refer to them. The artists are also pretty . I hope the surgery is successful and safe!

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아무래도 몸무게 변화가 없다보니..^^... 사진은 평면으로 보여서 잘 안보이는데 실제로 보면 엄청난 변화가 있답니다... 입을 수 있는 옷부터가 달라졌어요... 지금 한 8키로 더 뺐는데 확실히 다이어트 병행해야지 드라마틱한듯요 지금 개쩖~
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헐.. 안아프세오..? 대단하세요
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