Job Review

Review of diaphragm. (abdomen, thighs)

Date 20.08.31 01:06:15 View 2,917

Anterior abdomen (ㄱㄴㅅㅅㄹㅁㄹ) 16 years, Director O. Due to the characteristics of the hospital, the fat was removed without any regrets. A dent in the front abdomen occurred due to careless wearing of compression garments and pantyhose. (*Please be careful if you are planning to have an abdominal area.) Although I was dissatisfied with the uneven indentation, I was quite satisfied with the overall major change in my lines. I remember the aftercare was insincere. I haven't seen the director's face even once since the surgery. I didn't even file a complaint because I felt like there was no communication. Thighs (ㄹㅂㅇㅂㄴ) 17 years. ㅂㅎㅅDirector, you achieved exactly the line I wanted. I liked it so much that my younger brother ordered it from here too. Bone thigh Since 17 years, I have changed my wardrobe and my quality of life has improved. Front abdomen (re), floating breasts, love handles (ㄹㅂㅇㅂㄴ) 20 years ago, even the front abdomen dents that I had been complaining about ever since the success of Dr. B’s thighs were resolved here. The floating room, armpit line, and waist side line were also organized just beautifully. In short, I am satisfied. I don't think there's any more room for repairs, but if I get greedy again or if my family wants to, I'll take them here. ** After Jihyeup, I was able to wear clothes that I couldn't normally wear, and I regained a lot of self-esteem and confidence. When I think back to the old days when I was sweating and stressed out to keep my body in shape no matter where I was in a hurry, I wish I had done it at least a day sooner. The fit is good even when I wear a bulky T-shirt, the pants fit well even if I wear a size too small at the store, and wherever I go, people tell me that my body is great, so I take better care of it and exercise more. ^^

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Cmts 9
ㅠㅠ허벅지랑 복부 하신거죠??? ㄹㅂㅇㅂㄴ도 후기많이 봣는데 상담 어땟어요?
20-09-02 14:37
[@유은수은] 저 매우 신중한 스타일인데,  ㅂㅎㅅ원장님 상담받고 바로 그날 예약했어요. 여기다 싶었습니다. 상담한번 받아보세요.
20-09-08 16:03
저도 허벅지 알아보는데 ㄹㅂㅇㅂㄴ 어딘지 알려주실수있나용???
20-09-05 10:32
[@MHMH]  신사역에 있습니다^^ 지금은 ㄷㅇ과 합병한것으로 알고있어요.
20-09-08 16:02
여기도 후기가 좋네요ㅠㅠ 상담 갈껄 그랬나봐요~ 전 ㅊㅇㅈ에서 예약 걸어서 흑흑
20-09-11 11:06
정보 부탁드려요!
20-10-08 01:08
* 비밀글 입니다.
20-11-14 00:15
21-02-16 23:41
잘되셨다니 부럽습니다!ㅎ 부작용없는것도 너무 다행이네요 ~~
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hospital info
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