I just had forearm liposuction performed under local anesthesia. I also received a high-frequency device called Aporex. But now, my arm is still full of the solution that was injected before the suction, like the Hulk. I couldn't even wear a compression garment , so they only wrapped me in a bandage. I was told that the solution would gradually be discharged, but no matter how much I think about it, I don't think I'll end up leaving it like this after liposuction... If you search on the Internet, you can see that the appearance immediately after arm liposuction is very puffy like mine, even if there is a little swelling and bruising. I don't think I left a lot of solution like the Hulk ... I only removed 400cc of fat... Should I ask the hospital to remove this again with the solution...? If it stays full of solution, it seems like the skin will sag.