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[Liposuction] Thigh liposuction for 7 years

Date 22.02.05 11:21:52 View 1,395
During days

It's already been 7 years since I suffered from jaundice in my thighs, and since the surgery, I'm still covering my legs. First of all, not only are my legs asymmetrical, but I also have a bulging lump on the back of my thigh, as if I touched the tissue of one leg incorrectly and the muscle and inflammation have adhered. At first glance, it looks like a skater's thigh muscle, but the problem is that since it's only on one side, there's no answer. I've heard of it becoming lumpy, but I've never heard of or expected a side effect like mine, so it's hard to ask, and in fact, it's just my guess as to the cause. Even when I talked to one hospital, they said it was just a muscle, but they didn't know? They seemed confused. At least they gave me high-frequency aftercare and decomposition injections, but I feel like they only caused more stimulation and damaged the tissue. They didn't even know, so they said it would get better with time, stretch it, circulate it with a foot bath, etc., but it didn't help at all, and even after nearly 10 years, it hasn't improved at all... It's still operating at that location, and the reviews here are good, and it hasn't lost its reputation yet. It was so sad to see it. When I discovered the side effect, there was a lump that wasn't there due to a medical accident, so I asked them to check the CCTV, but they said it was only installed in front of the door and didn't show it. But even these days, they do publicity through CCTV in the operating room, haha. By the way, even if it wasn't that lump, it was lumpy elsewhere, so why did I pay money for it? It becomes miserable. Why do victims have to go into hiding? It was my first plastic surgery when I was young, relying only on fame. At first, I had a lot of mental shock and didn't receive any compensation, so there was nothing I could do but blame the hospital and the director (I don't even know if he did the surgery himself lol). Now that I've come to the point where I realize that nothing can be resolved, I'm posting here in hopes of finding a solution. I wonder if there is anyone else who has had the same side effect as me, but is there anyone who has had the side effect of adhesion forming on the fascia and dermal tissue inside the skin after liposuction, which hangs like a lump? Or, even if it is not necessarily a side effect of dialysis, if there is anyone who knows about a treatment method or related hospital for similar cases, please give me the information..!

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