About a month ago, I posted on the day of liposuction, but its already been a month! Im posting this because Im curious about the progress hehe I had a lot of side convexity and back convexity. When viewed from the front, the deltoid of the forearm was particularly convex.. I have developed deltoids and lats, so even if I lose fat, it may not work. It wasnt until week 3 that the convexity of the deltoid side didnt disappear when viewed from the front. When you do the post-care, there is still some swelling and lumps. Here, if the swelling goes down a little bit more, the line will become more beautiful, so I am looking forward to it as time goes on. Its in my post and post comments that made me cry!
[@ㅎㅈㅎㅈㅎㅈ] 팔 스트레칭하면 약간 굴곡집니다 음 셀룰라이트 비슷하게 생긴거같은 주름이요! 그리고 가끔 팔쪽이 뜨거운? 붓는거같은 느낌이 들어요. 병원에서 뭉침이랑 붓기때문이라고, 두개 다 잔붓기까지 다 빠지려면 보통 6개월정도 걸린다고 했어요. 사후관리 잘 받고! 아니면 사후관리 안받아도 나중되면 돌아온다곤 하더라구요? 이 두개 말곤 아직 없어요 ㅎ