Job Review

[etc] Review of day 2 of labia minora surgery (Busan)

Date 24.04.12 06:34:31 View 1,672
During days

First of all, please understand that this is my first surgery in my life and I cannot distinguish between good and bad. 1. Choosing a hospital: Due to management issues later, I live in Busan and it is difficult to go to a hospital in Seoul, so the hospital in Busan is famous for labia minora surgery. While looking for a hospital, I was contemplating between a hospital with a male doctor who performed incision surgery and a hospital with a female doctor who did non-incision laser surgery, and I chose the male doctor who had more experience and had only one doctor. *If the explanation is given in the same words as the consultation part to be written in the future, please read with caution as there may be parts missing because I did not remember everything. 2. Consultation (I only wrote about the hospital I selected): After changing clothes and taking pictures, the doctor said that my labrum was originally small. It should be a little less than 1cm, but the bigger size is about 2cm, and since both sides are bigger, not just one side, they said I need to have surgery on both sides. And the reason I don't prefer the incision method is because I've heard a lot of people on the Internet about incisions and scars, so I'm worried about scars. When I asked him about it, he said that I didn't have to worry about scars because he had been specializing in labia minora surgery for a very long time. He explained to me how the surgery was performed, and since I was doing it for discomfort rather than cosmetic purposes, I received a 10% discount on VAT. Both sides were a bit expensive, so the price was originally set at 2.2 million won to 2 million won, but after deducting the 30,000 won consultation fee, I had the surgery for 1.97 million won. I asked about hair removal, but I didn't do it because they said there was no need to do it and the hospital would do it all. *VAT was originally for cosmetic purposes. 3. Pre-surgery interview: They told me a lot about things to keep in mind before surgery, but I was so busy that I couldn't remember everything. If I only mention the things I need to remember, the bleeding usually starts on the 3rd day of surgery. It will stop in about 4 hours, but if it comes out ‘a lot’ even after a day, he said to be sure to contact the hospital again. The standard for a lot is relative, so I asked her and she told me that it comes out as much as when I menstruate, and that it's okay if it comes out sporadically. Also, there are times when I urinate and the discharge comes out for a while. In this case, everything will be fine in about a month, but there may be some inflammation on the day of surgery. You said there is. Afterwards, I listened to an explanation of the symptoms that may appear after using sedative anesthesia or local anesthesia (you said they use propofol?) and filled out a consent form. Surgery: I remember lying in bed and having hair removed and a pulse, heart rate, and blood test done on the area where the hair was removed. They also applied numbing cream to prevent it from hurting even with local anesthesia. They also told me about vitamins, but I forgot everything they told me... After entering the operating room, when the director came in, he said I would be put under sedation, so while I was waiting, I was given a saliva suppressant and something else (I don't remember). I got it through sedative anesthesia. They told me that the saliva suppressant is put in to prevent saliva from going down the throat during sedative anesthesia. After this, they told me what was in it every time they put it in, so I felt reassured. I had never had sedative anesthesia before, so I couldn't fall asleep and wondered what would happen if I couldn't fall asleep. As soon as the medicine came in, I fell asleep right away. When I woke up, the surgery was almost in progress. The nurses said I could sleep, so I fell asleep again, but I woke up with a throbbing feeling. But since the only anesthesia was done at the dentist, I was wondering if I shouldn't feel it at all. I didn't know if it was okay or not, so I held on to it and said it hurt. Then they gave me another injection of anesthesia and asked me to tell them if it hurts in the future. I didn't know how much to tell, so I was worried and the nurse told me that if I felt like I was holding it in, they would give me anesthesia, so I was very grateful for this part. And it was throbbing. I told them that I would, and they gave me medicine (I can't remember the name) to relieve pain through intravenous gel. It was an incision method, and it seemed like they also used a laser in between. After the surgery, I was scared to move and it was constantly tingling, but when I sat down, it was fine, and the important areas were like before. It was so good that it didn't touch me and it didn't bother me when I walked, so I thought I should have just lived with it because of the tingling, but I thought it was a good thing I did. He compared the before and after surgery photos and explained it again. I sat on the bed, ate porridge, rested for about an hour, and was told I had to pee before going. came. Post-surgery care: Sanitary pads, ice pack, sterilized gauze, medicine, anesthetic cream, and a paper with post-surgery precautions. After listening to the explanation of care, I went home. 3. Symptoms: On the day of the surgery, it hurt the most right after the surgery and it got worse as time went by. It was just a little uncomfortable and I was hesitant to sit on the chair for fear of something going wrong. And there was a very small amount of blood, similar to the amount that comes from the end of a menstrual period. As I heard in the anesthesia precautions, I felt a little dizzy and unwell, and I was so tired that I fell asleep early. Surprisingly, it's my second day, and I'm not in any pain at all, I can sit on a chair, and I'm doing well. The doctor said that I'll be able to go to work in 2-3 days and it will heal to the point where it won't interfere with my daily life. I wondered if that's what he meant. After the surgery yesterday, I stopped taking the medicine. They told me that they had given me medicine during the surgery and that I could take the medicine in the evening, but I fell asleep right away and couldn't take it. I don't know how much time has passed for the scars, but I decided to go to the hospital again a week or three weeks later to have the stitches removed and check the condition. When I went home, I didn't know anything else, but my neck was so sore, probably due to the anesthesia... As a result, the shape right after the surgery is pretty and it doesn't stick out even when you look at it, and the best thing is that there is nothing in the way when sitting on a chair or walking, so I am very satisfied. However, since surgery is surgery, it doesn't hurt at all, and I also had surgery when the anesthesia wore off for a while. I regretted it when I was experiencing tingling, but sometimes when I look at hospital reviews, I see some people doing it because of their boyfriends or husbands, so I would like to criticize these people... I can guarantee that those who have always felt uncomfortable will be very satisfied.

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Cmts 7
Thank you for the detailed review. It was helpful.
24-04-12 10:30
Glad you found it helpful! Thanks for reading and have a nice day :D!
24-04-13 08:16
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-04-28 04:39
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-04-28 04:39
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-05-02 10:04
잘 되셨다니 다행이네요! 병원 정보 궁금합니다
24-05-10 14:12
자세한 후기 감사합니다! 저도 부산에서 생각 중인데 도움이 된 것 같아요
24-06-06 01:01
Top Class Plastic Surgery
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