The scar is really big, but you gain one and lose the other.
They say you have to choose between having a scar or having a lighter one. I choose the bigger one. I guess I don't care about scars because I'm an auntie. They do fade with time. They also do laser treatment. It hurts... It's livable until the third day. It's uncomfortable, but you have to sleep leaning against the wall for a month. If a seroma forms, you have to visit the hospital every two days to get it removed. From the third week, you have to apply ointment and attach a silicone sheet (you have to take it off every 12 hours, wash it, dry it, and attach it). You can't ignore the cost of the ointment sheet. You have to use it for at least three months, which costs several hundred thousand won. You have to keep applying the ointment, which is also expensive. Surgery is the beginning, not the end. I think aftercare is more important than surgery. The photo is from the fourth day after surgery.