I paid a lot of money and had my forearms, breasts, abdomen, and love handles done at a number hospital last year, but I was busy with work right after the surgery, so I kept working overtime and was stressed out, so I couldn't get proper aftercare...
I went and got something like laser or high frequency treatment over the weekend, but since I can't manage my diet or exercise, I just came back. Haha.
I lost a few hundred dollars, but it's crazy to do this.
Also, my lower abdomen is a little like a bio-bond, and
if I'm not in good condition, I crave it strangely.
Conclusion: It is recommended for those who are on a strict diet or those who are naturally thin to undergo line correction, but not recommended for those who are not.
아예 전하고 사이즈가 똑같이 돌아온거야? 솔직히 관리안하면 찌는건 어쩔 수 없지만 전보다 덜 찌기는 하던데....
추출주사로 한거야? 난 심지어 지흡 전에도 후에도 운동은 똑같이 하는데 군것질 하는건 더해ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
근데도 허벅지는 보면 승마는 쪄도 잠깐이고 빠지는건 금방이라 ....
거기가 안전지향이라 지방을 좀 남기고 뺐나?
ㅇ ㅏㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 나도 예전에 지흡하고 그랬었어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ^^.. 다만 확실한건 같은 키 같은 몸무게인 사람들에 비해 라인이 덜 부해보인다는거... 근육량 딱히 많지 않아도 빼낸만큼은 덜하긴 하더라 ㅠ 지흡하고 살 빠졌다고 방심하면 돈날리게되는거 인정 ㅠ 옛날 내 모습 생각난다 ㅠ