Job Review

[Liposuction] A review of the day of abdominal liposuction!

Date 23.12.24 07:35:27 View 1,512
During days

당일 수술 전/후 비교 사진

<당일 수술 전/후 비교 사진>

First of all, because of the fat concentrated in my stomach, I tried all kinds of exercises and tried various diets, including detox, which were said to be effective, but I was worried about the belly fat that would not go away even if I died, so I had liposuction surgery. Since I live in the countryside and have a 6-day-a-week schedule, I couldn't even think about going to Seoul, so I received consultation at the hospital in my area, made an appointment right away, and had the surgery smoothly! I was worried because I had never been under anesthesia for this long other than for eye and nose surgery, but it felt like about 5 minutes, but already 2 hours had passed and the surgery was over and I went to the recovery room in a somnolence haha. After the surgery, it was very cold, but the nurses were the best. Thanks to the sincere care, I went into a deep sleep while snoring in the recovery room and woke up feeling refreshed. Even though it was the day of surgery, there was less pain than I thought, so after discharge, I was able to meet friends, eat, go to a cafe, and go about my daily life right away! (But this seems to be Sabasa) When I got home, I was curious about the line, so I took off the belly band for a moment and took a picture of the line and compared it with the previous picture. There is swelling, so there is no dramatic change yet, but the line is visible, and especially when viewed from the side, the bulging belly fat is clearly visible. It was amazing?? As I think about the swelling going down more and more, and the more I exercise and take care of my aftercare, I will become even thinner, I already have a smile on my face hahaha. I thought about it, but I had the surgery, and I think it was a good decision-?? how is it-? It’s okay even though it’s the same day-??

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