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[Liposuction] Honest review of 2 months of Thigh Infinite Rams Lung Ring Effect (Before and After)

Date 24.04.20 01:10:35 View 5,205
During days

hello! I stopped going to the gym two years ago and started gaining weight, but wow... I gained 17kg from 56KG to 73KG in the blink of an eye ? Is it true that the first digit changes twice? I don't think I need to lose 5kg or 10kg, but I think I need to lose 17kg... I was confused about where and how to start, so I looked into liposuction, but chose Muhan Rams because of the risk of anesthesia! I saw on the news yesterday that there was another fatal accident while undergoing liposuction in China ... (It's really scary) Rams is a fat extraction injection that is performed without sleep or general anesthesia, so you can safely perform liposuction!! Now, let me start with my honest review of Muhan Rams Lung Ring, which I bought with my own money. GO GO!! ----------------------------------------------- ◎ My body type silver? Even when I am at my thinnest, my hips and thighs are strong and my lower body is obese! 1. Hip dip 2. Duck butt due to forward inclination 3. Abundance of cellulite due to sudden weight gain 4. No gap between thighs ​ So, I had an overall lower body complex. ​-------------- --------------------------------- ◎ Rams? Infinite Rams? What is lung ring? You can easily think of Muhan Rams as a fat extraction injection. Inject the fat dissolving solution into the area where the fat is, melt the fat like soft tofu, and then extract the fat with a syringe. You can do it indefinitely, or just buy a few bottles each, but for me , it was much more cost-effective to do it in unlimited quantities, so I decided to do it in unlimited quantities! We plan to extract the entire inner/outer thighs ! To put it simply , you can think of the lung ring as a fat extraction injection + fat grafting to create an S-line . It digs out the fat on the sides (love handles) and fills in the fat in the pelvis and hip dip area. You can become like those pretty people who wear Piltona or leggings that are a must-have when you go to the gym ! Originally, I getting Muhan Rams for the entire thigh (inside and outside). I visited , and after hearing the lung ring explanation, I decided to join him right away! I thought that if I did it with Infinite Thigh Rams, the overall line would be more balanced, so I decided to do both. ​I made a reservation on the same day and received it in time for the Lunar New Year holiday. (If you are an office worker, it is a good idea to take a vacation and rest for at least 3 days!) ------------------------------ ----------------- ◎ What is the procedure? First, Rams proceeds in the following order. 1. Injection of antibiotics, etc. in the buttocks 2. Lying on the bed and listening to precautions 3. Applying disinfectant to the relevant area 4. Injecting local anesthesia to the relevant area 5. Injecting fat-dissolving liquid to the relevant area 6. Removing the melted fat with a syringe (end) 7. Orange After drinking the juice, the LED light was applied to the affected area. Rams' one-line review is, "It hurts more than I thought." ✔ The local anesthetic injection in step 3 feels like pinching the flesh very warmly with a fingernail. The pain level is 3/10 (where 10 is the most painful experience in my life) ✔ The fat dissolving liquid in step 4 causes a strange viscous liquid to splatter on the flesh. It doesn't feel pleasant when it comes in (similar to carboxylic acid, but a bit heavier) Pain level 2/10 ✔ In the 5th fat extraction injection, the fat dissolved in the fat solution becomes fluffy like soft tofu, but it is sharp and the syringe is quick. The pain varies considerably depending on the area where it is felt , but hard flesh such as horseback fat and flank flesh does not hurt. Rather, it felt refreshing because it felt like cellulite was being scraped off. This is a pain level of 2/10. The inner thigh Fortunately, the inner skin is small, so it will be over quickly. When you receive it , you will feel less pain because the fat solution contains anesthetic ingredients . Pain level 8/10 ________________________________________ ◎ Comparison of BEFORE & AFTER over time < Immediately after > There was no particular swelling or pain. (The feeling of anesthesia remains throughout the day.) The bruising gradually starts to appear from the evening of the day, but it is said to fade over 3 to 4 weeks, such as purple sweet potatoes in the 1st week and pumpkin sweet potatoes in the 2nd week . ​< Day 3 >   The swelling is more swollen than yesterday. I woke up in the morning with this feeling ... wow, I thought someone had punched me. ​​I think it was more because my legs were always very swollen, but my legs couldn't straighten well and I couldn't walk. The 2nd to 4th day is the moment of greatest pain. < 1st month> This is the time when the most rapid line changes occur. A new world unfolds as the inner crevices are discovered, the overall swelling is reduced . At this point, there is no inconvenience in your daily life! < 2nd month > They say that you will lose weight steadily until the 3rd month, which is the golden period! Even without any exercise or diet, I lost 6kg in two months. From now on , I'm going to try to take better care of my body by dieting and taking simple walks !! ________________________________________ ◎ Rams' one-line comment I am 164cm tall, my beauty weight is about 51kg, and my healthy body weight is about 55kg. For the sake of my health, I plan to return to the 56kg weight I maintained in my early 20s !! I think I did a great job starting my diet with Rams . Like a booster, I lost 6kg in 2 months. ( Diet, all exercise I will compare them carefully, and if there are any other good procedures, I will introduce them to you~~ Bye then!!

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