This is my first time writing a post after just looking at it every day. Haha.
As I hit the highest weight I've ever seen in my life, I kept telling myself that I really need to lose weight, and then I found out about a procedure called Rams. Even
before I gained weight, I was always worried about my lower body as I had a lot of fat on my lower body. After thinking about lower body fat extraction, I decided to do it!!!
I think it's been about two months since I did it in mid-March.
I usually try to go to Pilates 2-3 times a week and I have somewhere to go once hahaha. I
also try to go hiking whenever I have time. I like alcohol so much that it's really hard to quit.
Originally, my thigh circumference was 70.5CM and I weighed about 73KG, but now my thigh circumference size is 66.5CM, which is absolutely amazing...
When I measured my weight in the morning, I weighed about 68KG... haha... I need to work harder to lose weight...
About 6 months after the procedure. They said it would be 100% effective, so I'm really looking forward to it.
Look at the disappearance of inner thighs and riding fat. I'm very happy hahaha.