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[Blessed Nose] Review of nose surgery 14 years ago

Date 23.06.30 13:56:57 View 2,086
300 만원
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I had rhinoplasty 14 years ago after finishing the college entrance exam and before entering college. I'm so very satisfied. It's one of the best things I did when I was born. My nose had no bridge at all, the tip and cheeks were plump, and the nostrils were very small and upturned. When I smiled or frowned, my nose looked like chestnuts haha. I went to the hospital with the purpose of improving my snub nose and reducing the bridge of my nose, and I was planning to undergo double eyelid surgery after receiving consultation, but the doctor advised me not to have double eyelid surgery, and my nose Because the incision is made from the outside for upturned nose and nostril reduction, it can be disfiguring, so they suggested 1mm or 1.5mm silicone insertion surgery to make an incision inside the nose hole and bring the tip of the nose together with silicone and ear cartilage, which is natural and safe. First of all, he didn't tell me excessively to do this or that, but instead suggested a realistic and most natural method, so I trusted him so much that I went ahead without going anywhere else, and I ended up with a very, very, very natural and pretty nose. After seeing my nose, my mother, my older brother's ex-girlfriend, my friend, and even my friend who suffered the side effect of having the tip of her nose darken after two failed nose surgeries all went to this hospital for surgery and were all satisfied. It's really all very natural and the nose has become taller and prettier without being noticeable. At that time, in Ilsan, the doctor in charge of my nose was famous for his double eyelid surgery, so I saw a lot of my friends get double eyelid surgery from the doctor. Personally, I think he is a master at nose surgery rather than double eyelid surgery. Honestly, it was a long time ago and now. There are many good doctors, but if I had to have another surgery right now, I think I would go to the doctor. I've heard so many people say that my nose is so pretty after the nose surgery, and it looks so natural that I can't imagine it being a nose job. (Sometimes I had friends who were curious and asked me how my nose was so pretty and if I had surgery lol) Any side effects for 14 years? Discomfort? There wasn't one, and satisfaction is always the best haha ​​(I have severe rhinitis, so I blow my nose dozens of times a day, but there's no problem haha. I like exercising, so I bump my nose a lot, but it's fine.) It's the dramatic, picture-like, high, pointy, and thin that people want these days. It's not the nose, but my nose before the surgery was really miserable, so it's amazing that they made my nose look like this. I really want to recommend it to everyone. My nephew was born... he looks so much like me that even his nose is the same as before the surgery. Haha. My dad and mom joked that my aunt had an ugly nose, but they fixed it and my granddaughter said she would fix it later. Haha. The top row of the photo is of course the before. In order, it is 100. - When I was 2 years old - When I was in high school. The bottom row is the after pictures, in order : When I'm still - Side view - When I'm smiling . Actually, I'd like to apply for a higher level job to get other information... The only plastic surgery I've had was a nose job 14 years ago... It's been a while, but I hope it helps a little!

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