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[Short Nose] 4th Week Review of Short Nose Small Nose Revision Surgery

Date 23.03.05 18:38:48 View 4,372
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28 Days

Autologous rib rhinoplasty review! It's already been a month lol Wow , it's like one of the best decisions I've made in my life..! In fact, I think those undergoing revision rhinoplasty are more concerned about whether or not to undergo nose surgery than those who have undergone nose surgery for the first time. Isn't it much more difficult ㅠㅠ Nonetheless, let's live the life we ​​live once with the nose we want! I made a decision and underwent revision surgery. My small, thin nose, which looked short and pinched, was stressful. So, I made the tip of my nose self-ribbed and made it a little longer so that the nostrils were less visible than before, and I made the tip of my thin nose slightly plump! He recommended that my nose be not too long so that my facial features would not be lost due to surgery, so I did that. Also, it is important that the director and I focus on beauty well, but he said he puts emphasis on being natural and harmonizing with the face, so he adjusted it for the first time . After 2 weeks, the recovery is clearly visible, so there is no time to get bored and I think I did well, but after 3 weeks, the big swelling goes down and there is a mild swelling period . Then, it's been just over 4 weeks now, and now, with just a little bit of pouring left, and seeing that my impression has changed, I feel like I did a good job taking pictures together again!! They said the swelling in the philtrum lasted for over a month. It 's still a bit awkward , but I'm getting more comfortable with each passing day . And most of all , it is recommended to go to a place specializing in nose reoperation in Gangnam ! I recommend you to be stressed out and not throw away money and do it in a reliable place where you are definitely good at it . In the meantime, I had a hard time and it was so hard to go around, so I thought about not doing it, but after doing it in the end , I feel so proud and I want to do well!!! The director said that it takes 2 more weeks for the swelling in the middle of the nose to go down, so this is not the finished nose shape!! But I already really like it because it got longer and my nose, which used to be a little ugly when I was younger, has turned into a sharp and elegant line!! But again, my strong point was the roundness with a cute feeling like a baby face. It remains when viewed from the front, and the nose has grown to a thickness that fits the width of the face (the nose was originally too small), so I really like it!! There are still a lot of small swelling when taking pictures than actually seeing it ..! I'm looking forward to the difference of two months. ㅜㅜ If the nose is pretty as soon as it's done, it's a little regretful about the height or thickness later, or it can be done. Anyway, I was so proud and excited that I wrote it over and over again, so it got longer! In conclusion, revision surgery king recommendation! Live once, do what you want to do and live with a pretty face! And for revision surgery, let's do it in Seoul, specializing in nose revision surgery, and doing it well even if it's expensive! I wish everyone a successful surgery! How do you feel about my nose? Or those who have tried self-relief, please comment when the swelling in the philtrum subsides!

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