Job Review

[Blessed Nose] Review of male abdominal nose surgery (caution of long text)

Date 23.02.04 02:49:07 View 16,105
400 만원
During days
20 Days

I have had a complex about my low and puffy nose for a long time, and when an opportunity arose, I visited 6 hospitals to look into rhinoplasty and decided to get the surgery at COWON. I have visited large hospitals, but I decided to get a consultation at Cowon because it is a private hospital with a long history of directors and a long history of operation under the same name.   Consultation is conducted in the following order: Manager -> Director -> Manager consultation. I made an appointment for a consultation and went in for the first time. Even though it was a private hospital, there were a lot of people and the ratio of men was high. After filling out some simple documents and waiting for a while, I went in for a consultation with the manager. The director looked at my nose and said that he would probably do some kind of surgery, but that the surgical method would be confirmed only after consulting with the director. He found a nose similar to mine among other before/after photos and showed me one. And I was very moved by the real-time CCTV footage of the operating room being shown in the consultation room. I then went in for a consultation with the director, and as seen in many other reviews, he was very handsome and very kind, like a middle-aged celebrity. Honestly, I like the eyes on my face because they are big and impressive, but the director and manager looked at my eyes and were puzzled, but when I lowered the mask, they immediately realized where the problem was. Honestly, it was funny haha. The director immediately took a picture of her front and side with a camera and edited the picture in Photoshop and said it would look like this. The Photoshop virtual plastic surgery was lacking in detail, but I didn't pay much attention to it because I thought it only showed the general direction. After hearing the surgery method from the director, I asked, “Other hospitals say they also need to do osteotomies, what do you think?” Asking a lot of the same questions. However, the director said there was no need to do that, and I was trusted because he did not recommend unnecessary surgery. He also said that my nose was so severe that it would be difficult for me to have a very thin nose like that of an idol, but since I have a box nose and my skin is thick, he said that I needed to make sure it was straight in order for it to change. He also said that, if possible, he does not recommend reducing the size of the nose bridge. If you raise the tip of your nose, the bridge of your nose will naturally come together. However, he said that the standard for the width of the nostrils in his opinion is 40mm horizontally, but my nose is 46mm, so even though I have had nose surgery for over 10 years, I can barely see it. So, he said that the reduction of the nostrils is done through an external incision so that the nostrils do not become smaller . . They also said that by correcting the nasolabial angle, which I had not heard of at other hospitals, they would correct the protruding mouth slightly and also correct the problem of the nose spreading out more when smiling. It is also said that the columella falls slightly below the wings of the nose. It seemed to be in the right direction with my desire for a definite change with minimal surgery. Surgery is performed using nasal septum cartilage for the tip of the nose + ear cartilage if necessary + silicone for the bridge of the nose + nasal bridge reduction. In other places, there were hospitals that were very expensive by adding unnecessary surgeries (costal cartilage use, osteotomy, etc.), and there were hospitals that suggested safe surgery with minimal surgery, but it didn't really hit me because I didn't think there would be much change. In addition, I brought a lot of small questions, photos of the nose I wanted, photos of the nose I didn't want, etc., and they all were kindly accepted. After the consultation with the director, I went back to the manager's consultation and received an estimate. The quote was a little more expensive than other large factory-type hospitals, but not as expensive as I thought. And the director must have noticed that my heart was already leaning toward Cowon(?), so he said he would go to other hospitals, but it was nice that he didn't force me to make an appointment at all. And looking at the list of patients who had reservations, there were many Japanese. I thought it would be better than the Chinese. I went to another hospital on the same day, made an appointment for surgery, and had the surgery about 2 weeks later. When I got to the hospital on time, there was only one person there who came for consultation. I'm not sure if it was just that there was no one around at that time, but I thought it was good that someone else had made an appointment at that time because of my surgery. I met with the director again, read the precautions and consent form, signed it, and then consulted with the director again. The director took pictures with a camera again and performed virtual plastic surgery. We discussed the direction and method of the surgery and explained the precautions and side effects.   After changing clothes, washing my face and gargling, I went up to the operating table. To be honest, it was my first time undergoing anesthesia and surgery, so I was a little nervous and scared, but there was no turning back. A needle was inserted into the arm, vitals checking equipment was attached to the hands and feet, the limbs were tied(?), nose hair was pulled out using some tool, the face was disinfected, and when the surgery was ready, the director entered the operating room. After the nurse and the director said, “I’m going to sleep now,” I felt cold liquid enter my arm. But even after a few seconds, I am still in a good state of mind. I deliberately cried out of anxiety ! When I came to my senses after screaming, the surgery was over. As soon as I woke up from anesthesia, I was so alert that I asked the nurse what time it was. But my throat was so dry that I couldn't speak well. After the surgery, I changed clothes, received a prescription from the pharmacy, and took the Shinbundang subway line straight home. Since it was the first day, there was no swelling yet, so I was wearing a splint and tape, but I could already see that the bridge of my nose had risen somehow. When I was changing the gauze under my nostrils, I felt better because my nostrils stood up nicely when I lay down. I visited the hospital the day after the surgery, three days later, and a week later to observe the progress, and although it was brief each time, the director personally looked after me. I also received antibiotic injections(?) and laser treatment for swelling. For 3 days, I couldn't breathe through my nose because of my nose, so I felt stuffy and sneezed, but after about 3 days, I got used to it. At the hospital, when the nose pad was removed, I took off the splint for a moment and looked at the shape of the nose. At this time, the swelling between the eyes and eyebrows was enormous, and my face was like an avatar, so it still looked like a box nose. I was told that it would become thinner when the swelling went down, so I waited. The funny thing is, it was still better than the original nose. After removing the nose, it is heaven. A week after the surgery, I went to the hospital to have the stitches removed and the splint removed. My nose became really thin and slanted, so I couldn't get used to it at first. Then I met with the manager again, talked to him in the counseling room, and returned home. I wanted a straight nose, but it looked like a straight nose, so it was a little awkward, but I was reassured because I knew that it was overcorrected on purpose because the tip of the nose falls a little over time. Originally, I heard that if you took off the splint and liked it perfectly, you were screwed, so I was relieved. Two weeks after the surgery, when I returned to work, everyone said things went well naturally. This does not mean that there is little change, but that it harmonizes well with the face. Right now, I am satisfied with about 90 points out of 100, but I am looking forward to seeing my score go up as more time passes and the swelling goes down and my nose becomes more natural and straight. Hahaha I am so happy that my lifelong complex of a low nose has been resolved, and I can take selfies . I no longer hate it and my confidence in my appearance has increased. I hope the scars fade quickly. The review photo is a selfie taken without Photoshop correction, using only basic skin makeup at home and using the default Galaxy camera app. I'm not sure if the filter was automatically installed. * Added review of 4 weeks after surgery * Visited the hospital again to observe the progress. We took after-surgery photos and met with the director in person to observe the progress. My original nose was very severe, so after the surgery, my nose was still slightly large, so I was satisfied with a score of 90 out of 100, and I was n't greedy anymore, but as soon as the director saw me, he caught the 10 points that I thought were missing, and my nose was still small. He said he couldn't fix it because it wasn't completely settled, and he would look at it again in a month and fix it with a very simple procedure. I wasn't expecting anything at all, but the aftercare was perfect, so I felt better.

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