I was worried because I had a low nose bridge and a high nose bridge, but rather than that, my rhinitis was so bad that I always wore Otrivin . Bonnie said that rhinitis was getting worse . I decided to do nasal septum surgery together. On the day of surgery, I went early on the day of surgery, waited for a while, and went into the operating room . It was the first time in my life that I was so sick . I took painkillers and called Kakao Taxi and came home. I didn't know that the cotton in my nose would be so stuffy . I came out It's only been a few days now, so there's still a little swelling left, but the height of the nose bridge and the reduction of the nostrils are clearly visible. The director is not overly kind, but he explains well. Please treat the people who consulted with you and the staff very friendly. While consulting on the bridge of the nose and nose bridge, he was so kind that he almost offered life counseling.. Ah!! Maybe it was because of the nasal septum surgery, but I've been living with my nose completely cool for a few days, and I think my life has changed with Steam. It is completely recommended for those who have a bent septum and rhinitis .