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[etc] Only the nose silicone was removed. If you are worried, take a look

Date 22.11.02 10:58:47 View 3,500
60 만원
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56 Days

I went to Main Plastic Surgery Clinic to re-surgery on my nose that had been operated at another hospital. In 2009, I had a nose bridge silicone and nose tip ear cartilage surgery at a hospital in Apgujeong. However, I was afraid that my nose would be damaged if I had a revision surgery, so I just lived with it. Then, while I was undergoing double eyelid surgery in Maine recently, I told the director that I wanted to remove the silicone on the bridge of my nose that had been operated at another hospital. Therefore, I decided to remove only the silicone with a closed opening and proceeded with the surgery. I am very satisfied with the result of the surgery. If there is anyone who is hesitant to have the surgery because they are afraid that the nose will become too low or change strangely after the silicone removal, I would like to tell them to remove it. Just by removing it, the impression has changed very well and I am very satisfied. All my acquaintances have different opinions saying that it would be better to leave the tip of the nose and that it would be better to just remove it all, so I decided to leave it alone. I was worried that it would happen , but contrary to my concerns, the result fell into a natural curve. In my case , after removing the silicone, the director angrily said that it was not silicone suitable for putting it at the height of my nose, and said, 'Why did you put this in?' Just like in a factory, the nose was cut with the same surgical method. At the time, I had just graduated from high school and didn't know anything about it, so I just underwent nose surgery. After the nose silicone removal, people around me said that the nose surgery went really well . As the eyebrows that were narrowed by the removal widened, they said that a 5-year-old looked younger and the impression became very mild When I received plastic surgery counseling, there was a doctor who said that if I removed the silicone, I would regret it because my nose would be lowered, and I changed the silicone to a lower one, removed the cartilage at the tip of the nose, and put the nasal tip down, so I had to cut it . They even called me to see if they were blinded by money. They only talked about changing their nose, but if I had had another surgery like that, I feel dizzy thinking that I would have crossed the river of no return. I am so happy every time I look in the mirror

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