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[Function Nose] Kowon implant-free rhinoplasty candid review (day to day 4)

Date 22.09.23 15:01:13 View 9,973
350 만원
During days
3 Days

※Caution for long sentences※ - I would like to refer to the characteristics of my nose before surgery - I was bored, so I just wrote down my daily routine like a diary, so it won't be of much help . Sterile cotton swabs, dry shampoo, (nutritious) porridge, pumpkin juice, Tylenol (can cause body aches), cleansing tissue, humidifier, lip balm, gargle, narrow-mouthed water bottle (+ straw), button or house type clothes, teaspoon (rice When you eat, you need to eat small ones so you don't get stuck on gauze and it's comfortable), a saeburi-type mask (the nose is high, so other masks are very uncomfortable) • On the day of surgery (Day 1), go early and consult with the head of counseling and the director one more time and prepare for surgery. Please explain the symptoms and side effects that may occur after surgery. He told me that problems such as rhinitis surgery and asymmetry would be improved rather than completely fixed. I didn't think it would be fixed 100%, but I thought it would just be better than now, so I asked for it. The director said to ask questions if you have any questions, but I prepared several questions about side effects, but I feel a bit embarrassed to say it. (Trim the beak, slightly lift the drooping tip of the nose, improve the nose, emphasize the nasolabial angle) Originally, it was supposed to be a no-implant implant, but during the pre-surgery consultation, he said that artificial dermis may be inserted if there is a lack of hoxi or cartilage. During the consultation, I said yes, but I am a person with extreme resistance to artificial implants.. While preparing for surgery, I told the nurse that I did not want to use artificial dermis even if I lowered my nose, and anesthesia went in. (As a result, nasal septum + ear cartilage + (Artificial dermis was to be used, but the nasal septum was sufficient, so only the nasal septum was used to raise the tip of the nose.) I went into the operating room, received intravenous injections, tied up my arms and legs, disinfected my face, shaved my nose, and underwent anesthesia. I didn't even know I was under anesthesia, but I suddenly felt drowsy, and 2 seconds later I felt someone waking me up, so I woke up and was in the recovery room after the surgery. I was lying in the recovery room for a while because I was drowsy and couldn't walk properly. Maybe it was the first day, so there were no bruises or swelling (I might not have known). It was a one-man hospital and I could confirm that I was undergoing surgery through cctv, so it was nice not to have to worry about problems during surgery. But when I was under sedation , my sister made me talk to myself and struggled to let go, so I was fucking embarrassed.. How did you come to me? Desertification occurs in the throat. All the moisture in the throat is deprived, and it feels like it is dry. I even thought I was going to die of pain because I ran out of drinking water...... (Those who are scheduled for surgery must bring water) But strangely, after coming home, my mouth wasn't particularly dry, so I hardly drank water.. I was a person who used to breathe through my mouth when I caught a cold in winter, so I quickly adapted, or the house was a bit humid, so there was a humidifier effect (lol). .. For those scheduled for surgery, it would be good to practice breathing through the mouth and prepare a humidifier. (At that time, I thought he was a person who was good at breathing through his mouth..^^) When I came home, the trimmed part of the beak was throbbing, and the tip of the nose did not feel anything. I ate pumpkin juice and porridge and took the prescribed antibiotics. I'm not in a lot of pain, so I'm just there, but if you're worried that you'll be in a lot of pain, you should stock up on painkillers in advance. Oddly, there is not much blood coming from the nose. About three times when you are in the hospital right after surgery? I felt like I was soaking my nose with cotton, but after that it only happened when I sneezed. They gave me several gauze to put on my nostrils, but they were clean, but they got buried while eating, so I changed them once. Looking at other people's vlogs, the gauze was covered with blood, but it didn't work.. No nosebleeds, but I felt the mucus go down my throat . Some people say they can't open their mouths well, but I didn't have that.. Rather, they open so well when yawning and sneezing that I'm nervous that the stitches might break... I eat so fucking well that I'm embarrassed to even eat; I brushed my teeth hard to avoid bad breath, but brushing my front teeth was difficult because of the gauze. • In the early morning of the 2nd day, I caught a cold and stopped sneezing, so I took antibiotics and Tylenol and fell asleep for a while. The throbbing on the hump side is gone, so there is almost no pain, and when you sneeze, it stings on the nasal side? I still have the flu symptoms. I went to the hospital in the afternoon to check the progress. Antibiotic injection, gauze change, nosebleed? Disinfect the nosebleed. The director is busy for about 20 seconds. He looked at his face and immediately went to see someone else. He went to see someone else and said that he would have to ask when he came back to get his cotton ball removed . I was a little disappointed because that was all he had to do. He said he would remove it, so yes. Ham.. Do you think you will suffer for the next two days or more? Phew....^^ But I think there must be a reason for everything to be done according to the standard. The reason for the nosebleed is that the cotton in the nose is pressed and leaks out. There are no wounds in the nose, and it stops bleeding well, so the swelling won't be too severe. Feel good! I don't feel the taste, but I was craving sugar due to stress, so I ate snacks and bread.. I still feel heavy and tired because of cold symptoms. I went crazy from the stress because of the cotton. I'm careful when I open my mouth, and I feel like I'm going to die because my chest is stuffy when I breathe through my mouth.. My mouth is also dry, swollen, and my voice is hoarse. My eyelids started to swell from the night. I'm taking pictures in the middle of every day, but the eyelids definitely feel a little swollen. It hasn't been severely swollen yet, but I think it will still swell a lot tomorrow... I need to apply cold compresses hard. • On the 3rd day , the swelling started rapidly from dawn.. The eyelids became plump and the cheeks also swelled up, giving the feeling that the cheeks became heavy . It was funny that the right one looked better because the cheeks were filled with volume... My cheeks were puffy, but I felt it for the first time... Haha My lips were also swollen, but the effect of lip filler on my lips was thin... I couldn't sleep well after the surgery, but I slept soundly for the first time in a while and felt refreshed. After all, humans are animals of adaptation..! After I slept well, my cold symptoms almost disappeared and it was so good. However, the neck was still deserted... heh I got used to breathing through my mouth to some extent, but there are often times when I feel like I have schizophrenia as my heart suddenly feels stuffy even after breathing well. I wonder how I can hold on until tomorrow...^^ My mouth is so swollen and it's hard ㅠ I eat porridge and take medicine,, I'm just living my life o • Day 4 Maybe it's because I only applied cold compresses to my eyes, so the swelling in my eyes is almost gone. But the swelling all came down to the cheeks, so it looked like a bump, so it was a bit funny haha. I wondered if it was because of the small amount of blood loss, but when I thought about it, I remembered that there was no bleeding and there was a lot of swelling even when I was in double arms, so I wondered if I had the constitution for surgery. Anyway, I'm glad it wasn't as swollen as I was worried about. I did it roughly because it was annoying to use a steam bath, but it's a pity that I wouldn't have gotten worse if I had worked hard at this level. I hope others will work hard. The day I finally go to cotton. While cotton filling really...; After the 3rd day, I got used to it and said I wanted to sleep well, so I had less body aches, but really,,, I felt like I was drinking all the germs in the air. I felt like I was going to die. When I arrived at the hospital, I was given an antibiotic injection and a nose pad was removed, but it was the first time I knew that breathing through my nose was such a thankful thing... No nose pads are so important.ㅠ It was a whole new world. I took off the splint for a while, got a swelling laser, and checked it in the mirror, wow....... Swelling + overcorrection collaboration hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I was really shocked when I looked in the mirror . looks like a lot And when I turn it sideways, it becomes so high that I can only see my nose. Ruined rhinoplasty on the Internet... Constructed nose? It was a feeling. In addition, the cheeks are swollen, and the face shape is also shit, so what is this... Seeing this, I thought I was rather fortunate.. I saw that it was ruined if I was satisfied with it in the first week.. I thought that it would be okay if the swelling went down and the tip of the nose came down slightly. I thought it would be red when I took the cotton off, but it was surprisingly red because it was covered in blood. I was worried that it would be coffee if I took it out, but there was nothing like that! Originally, I was breathing through the left side and barely able to breathe through the right side, but now it's so amazing to feel the breath coming in from both sides. This feeling was the same as when I put rhinitis medicine in it and got it pierced.. It's a whole new world!! I was also told about the surgery. It is said that the tip of the nose was raised with nasal septum lengthening surgery and cartilage was tied to the nasal septum . Should I say that there was no highlight on the tip of the nose originally? I did, but now when the light is reflected, there are highlights in a straight line from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose. so amazing!!! I decided to go get the splint off next Monday, but it doesn't seem to be any different except for the swelling, so I'll post the next review with the splint off!

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