2 weeks after nose surgery.
Swelling: 70% swelling is gone, yellow bruises around the eyes are still present:
Nose incision scar: Much better and still there, so far only ointment has been applied.
Asymmetry of the nostrils: There is, and it seems to get better depending on the recovery time
After surgery, when I breathe for sure, I feel much better and there is no feeling of stuffiness. However, I have a runny nose, and when I found out, the runny nose can come out up to a month after the operation
. I'm thinking of making it a little higher... It's been 2 weeks now, and I like the natural look of the nose, but when viewed from the front, there doesn't seem to be a huge difference, and the nostrils are a little smaller and the refined feel is certain.
I have a small face, so my mother said that a taller nose might
not suit her.
It is good that the tip of the nose is less visible than before the surgery, but will the tip of the nose come down more as the swelling goes down?