Job Review

My boyfriend is a doctor, so he gave me a nose job... I'm really embarrassed.

Date 05.10.26 15:56:14 View 4,856

I didn't do it myself... I 'm in my 4th year as a plastic surgery resident... I kept whining that I wanted a nose job and looked everywhere, so I told him to have a professor at his general hospital do it instead... I got the surgery from him. ,,She said she received 100,000 won for just the cost of materials... My boyfriend gave it to me ㅜㅜ It was free... He was a trustworthy person, so I was relieved and left it to him without thinking about cancer... Well, it's been 2 weeks since the surgery and I have 1. Nose. 2. The silicone is curved between the eyebrows. 2. The upper part of the silicone shakes back and forth when you push it with your hand. 3. The area between the eyebrows is completely awkward and looks protruding. I feel strongly that just because it's free doesn't mean it's good. I wish I had had it done at a regular plastic surgery clinic. I would try and tell him to do it... but he said he wasn't the kind of person who could do anything rashly, so I just went and asked him why it was like this , and he just said that it would be okay once the swelling went down... and that if anything went wrong, he would do it again in about 4 months... or I could have my boyfriend do the surgery. (I 'm crying every night, I can't even take my eyes off the mirror, I'm really worried, but I'm so upset that people make jokes without even knowing what's going on.) I'm so upset that I'm stuck in my room. ..My brother came to visit... I really wanted to hit him ㅜㅜ He looked at my nose too... "Hmm... that's strange. If it's shaking this much, is there pus underneath it?" When I ask him to be honest, he says he doesn't know. Is it because the swelling is worse than others? Oh, I really wish I could go mental. Mental stress is no joke. At home, I'm hysterical to my family. When my boyfriend calls, I get really angry and won't answer the phone. I know in my head that he didn't do anything wrong... but he keeps getting angry and hateful. I really don't want to have to have the surgery again... I'm really depressed... ㅜㅜ Just like me . Is there anyone who has gotten older as time has passed? Please let me know.

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