hello! Its already been 7 months since nose surgery hahahaha I like a gorgeous nose, so I had surgery at Fi ㅁ ㅇ and I did it using costal cartilage!! I had surgery using donated rib cartilage instead of autologous rib cartilage, so I was wondering what to do if I felt a strange sensation or felt uncomfortable, but it really doesnt matter haha The reason I used rib cartilage was that my nose tip was drooping a lot, and it didnt fit the nose line I wanted. It was a gorgeous direct line, so I couldnt help it hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha After about 3 months of swelling, the big swelling seems to have gone away, and now the small swelling has gone down little by little and is holding up well. Because I cant do surgery with a gorgeous line while using my cartilage (septum, ear cartilage) ㅜㅜ Ill definitely do the surgery myself! If you think so, please consider it as a natural hospital of Stahl!!