Job Review

[Low Nose] A review of nose surgery at that hospital where only rumors abound (consultation edition)

Date 22.01.28 11:44:12 View 8,732
830 만원
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9 Days

Even before going to the hospital for consultation, I decided that I would have to have surgery at this hospital. The reason is simpler than you think. Because it was a celebrity plastic surgery that was mentioned in a beauty magazine. Isnt it a bit silly? It may not be true, but maybe its my phil? If he had plastic surgery there, I thought he would have a similar face shape and nose to mine, so I thought that if I had nose surgery and succeeded, that nose would be the best coil. Looking around, I saw stories about when was Ahn Seong-jin or when he didnt go, and the scars tend to wear off. This is still a work in progress, so I cant answer it yet, but Ill write it up gradually. After making an appointment at the hospital, I was able to talk to the doctor right away. It was good from this point on. I didnt know because I didnt go to another hospital, but Ive heard that its a good hospital that consults with the doctor and only talks about the price with the manager... . During the consultation, I felt that the doctor was a person of strong pride. I had a small nose and a low nose, but if I simply put an implant in this nose, it would become Michael Jacksons nose. He didnt even know there was such an operation, so I thought to myself if I was at the scene of Noontangi right now, but he was catching my mouth shut with a crazy eye. Since the lip is short, its not that your lips are raised, but you can hear it. You cant do it in your own hospital while raising your nose, so dont do it like a factory stamp at a hospital that only puts implants in your nose and only shortens your nose. Improving impression is the top priority and does not correspond to the essential meaning of plastic surgery. It was a feeling of being very scolded as he vomited and talked. Also, he told me not to go to a hospital that said that he would do a half-beoseon because he said that my nose is more suitable for a straight nose than a half-beoseon nose. I was expecting surgery with the beautiful nose of Banbeoseon because Dr. Lee was the creator of Banbeoseon in the magazine ㅋㅅㅁㅎ, but I was persuaded by the doctors words. Everyone has a different nose that suits them. So, I thought that he might have created a Banbeoseon as well. And he told me that he can show 3d modeling himself, but it is a detailed description. The doctors ability to implement virtual data is important... . He also liked the fact that the director did not like reckless anesthesia. He said that he was given a brief sleep anesthesia, woke him up, and said that he was operating under local anesthesia. Because I couldnt help thinking about these parts, such as proxy surgery and medical accidents, I became more confident.

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