Job Review

2nd to 6th day of nose surgery

Date 21.02.25 23:33:48 View 7,279

I will write a review on the 2nd and 6th days after nose surgery. It seems that there are not many reviews at this time. So I tried it.. I went to draw cotton on the 2nd day. I don't know the results of the surgery because I haven't taken the splint off yet, but once I go to the hospital, I'll see the doctor, so I'll hear something. I went on time to come, but the nurse, not the doctor, took the cotton out. I wanted How are you? He said he was in surgery and couldn't see me. I don't know if the surgery is delayed or if it's the nurse doing the removal of the cotton, but she comes out with a cool nose and empty heart. I feel that the hospital's rating is low compared to the director's skills. Anyway, on the second day, after pulling out the cotton wool, the real swelling started to rise like crazy. The bruises around the eyes also started to appear blue and didn't come up very badly, but I'm not sure if it's because of the bruising cream I applied from the first day. Anyway, since I was born for the rest of my life, I can breathe cool. It was really good. But from that day on, I face new pain every day. It was fine until the first time I took a proper breath, but the inside of my nose started to dry like crazy. A runny nose, like an unacceptable nose, nothing dripping and dry all the time. I lived with a real humidifier around my nose all the time. It's only now that I've taken all the nasal drops, I'm a little more livable. But still not moist.  On the 3rd day, the snowfall started to get worse. To some extent, the iPhone doesn't recognize me no matter what I do. Even my family doesn't know, but my eyes are getting more and more, to the point of saying who are you, and my dog ​​keeps looking at me. I was really stressed out, so I cried, cried, and screamed about what to do. Control your mind and say it will be swelling, it will be swelling. And on the 6th day, snowfall returned to the normal 95 prawns. Fortunately..  By the 4th day, the bruises turned yellow and spread widely. I also had bruises on the inside of my lips, and my front teeth hurt like crazy. My nose was also throbbing and painful, but it has subsided a lot now on the 6th day. On the 5th day, the dryness got better or I got used to it. Anyway, it's still dry, but it's tolerable. But from this point on, the strange feeling started like crazy. I think it's heavy, but it's not very high, but it's really heavy, so it's really embarrassing. But from that day on, the swelling went down so much that my face started to come out roughly. On the 6th day, the swelling subsided a little more, and the swelling in the eyes was about the same as the day I ate ramen. But no matter how I look at the nose, it doesn't look any different from before, and even though I have a splint, my dad says that he doesn't really have a nose bridge (I had surgery, Dad...), so I thought I did it naturally, but if it's going to be the same, why do I have surgery? But the more I look at it, the more subtly, the more beautiful I feel. It's really a very subtle difference, but better? want to feel  Anyway, I'm going to take the splint off tomorrow, and I wonder if the bridge of the nose will rise as much as I wanted, and I think I can tell if this foreign feeling is due to the splint or the silicone. The head of the department said that we would be able to meet the director tomorrow, so when we meet with the director, he will ask all questions and come. I'll take the splint off tomorrow and post a picture.

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