Job Review

Nose reduction, cartilage tying, nose bridge surgery review

Date 21.01.29 00:09:41 View 7,875

About half a year has passed since the surgery and the scar has completely healed. To improve the narrow nose that had been a complex issue since I was young, I had my nose bridge reduced, cartilage tied, and the hook removed. 1. The bridge of the nose has definitely improved and my face looks less spread out when I smile, so I was satisfied. Another good thing that I didn't expect was that my nasolabial folds were severe when I smiled, but the bridge of my nose, which had spread out to the side, came together inward, which had an improvement effect that made my nasolabial folds look less deep, which was nice. The problem is that if you look at the picture below, the size of the nostrils has decreased a lot, and perhaps because of this, breathing is more difficult than before. I originally had a deviated septum, but now I can breathe with about 10:7 asymmetry. Still, it's + because it's what I wanted. 2. Cartilage binding did not make much of a difference in many ways. However, I asked for a dissolvable thread, but after the surgery, I was told that a non-dissolvable thread was used. No matter how busy you are, it's hard to believe that this can't be communicated. I thought it was an embarrassing little thing to call it an accident, so I ignored it, but my feelings were a little different. I think this is + - 0. 3. And there was a slight hook on the bridge of my nose, and they said they would just remove it for free. I was very resistant to the idea of ​​shaving something off because it wasn't already high enough, and I wondered if it was really necessary, but I was told that it would improve my image, so I told them to do it. This was a failure... If you look at it from below, the bridge of your nose is clearly slightly raised, or almost the same, but since the height that made the highlights thin in the front view has disappeared, the bridge of your nose looks wider as the flatness of your nose has decreased. This was - for me personally. If you look at the entire face, there is no significant change in image compared to before. It feels like the shape of the nose has changed a lot, but it's surprising. Anyway, the result is + - 0, so I can't see it as a failure, but my personal disappointment is so great that I am considering surgery at another hospital in addition to having surgery for septal deviation (asymmetrical breathing) . I hope I can write a review with a happier heart at that time.

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