Job Review

A review of nose surgery by a wealthy person

Date 20.12.21 21:54:13 View 9,768





I have thick skin on the bridge of my nose, but my nostrils are small... ㅠㅠ After thinking about it for almost 10 years, I had leftover leave and had a lump sum, so I had the surgery a month ago. I got a list of places where my friend had surgery and consulted about 5 of them. I chose two places that were known for natural surgery and the method of surgery was the method I wanted, so I went for one more consultation and ended up doing it at a place that said the aftercare was so good that it was annoying, and I have absolutely no regrets haha. Even now that I think about it, it was a very good decision!!! I was a huge worry doll, so I went to the hospital 9 times during the 2-week period of stability... The director personally sterilized me without once showing any signs of annoyance, and even cleaned the dead skin cells on my nose that had formed from not being able to wash it for 2 weeks because I was worried... The doctor was the best. They put in 4 mm of silicone and the columella was a little curled, so they pulled it out through the nasal septum and erected it with ear cartilage at the tip of the nose. They said that the inner nostril, which I was most worried about, couldn't be made through an inner incision, so they said they could only correct the sagging and cut off some flesh. Still, they told me that if I raised the tip of my nose, it would make me look more sophisticated than before, so I trusted them and said yes. A week ago, I dissolved the filler, and I looked like the ugliest person in the world. After suffering for a week like that, I lay down on the operating table... The ear cartilage was first removed with local anesthesia and anesthetized. The full-scale surgery was performed under sedative anesthesia with the teacher's participation, and I think I rapped to the director to ask him to please take good care of me before the anesthesia was administered... haha. The surgery took two hours! On the first day, I couldn't breathe through my nose at all, but it kept bleedingㅠㅠ My mouth was dry... I almost cried because it was so hard... If I didn't have a humidifier, I would have had a sore throat... Be sure to prepare a humidifier before surgery... Remove the bandage under your nose in 2 days. And, except for the stuffing in my nose, I felt a little better... ㅠㅠ The splint was removed on the 7th day. Even though I don't normally get swollen... I had to look as natural as possible to go to work, so I slept sitting up for almost a week to get the swelling down lol. Be sure to buy a triangular back cushion before that... You will be able to use it well even after the surgery haha. I followed the rule of using cold compresses for 3 days and hot compresses for 3 days for a week. I bought 3 sets of the legendary anti-swelling medicine, but the director forbade me to take it because it contains steroids. I couldn't eat it ㅠㅠ It was expensive, but it was a shame. But it barely swelled, so my acquaintances who knew about the surgery said it really didn't swell haha. I was really worried about the stitches, so they removed them in about the 2nd week, and the director called me for 2 weeks and asked me how I was, which made me anxious. I think it was less haha. It's like having a new nose, so if you shake your nose and burst a blood vessel, you'll be 100% satisfied, but you'll be 90% satisfied... He told me to never open my mouth wide, not smile, and not to sniffle or go for a walk, so I thought I had to be really careful and ate 2. For a week, I made meat soup with rice and ate it with a teaspoon. But this is not recommended. I lost almost 3 kg in 2 weeks and still haven't recovered... Make sure to eat well and rest well!!!!!!!! Recovery comes first!!!!! And for a month!! I finally got around to taking progress photos. How was it? Is it natural?

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Cmts 101
I would also appreciate it if you could give me some information ㅠㅠ.... It turned out really pretty.
23-12-05 18:04
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