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About a month and a half after my nose surgery... I'm planning to have a third revision surgery... ㅠ_ㅜ

Date 05.08.05 23:27:28 View 3,143

Hello~ I first touched my nose when I was a senior in high school (19 years old)... While I was in school, and that too in the fall, with 100 days left before the college entrance exam...-_-;; Who could imagine? At that time, I never thought I would get plastic surgery... I was aiming for that!! Haha, so I tricked all my friends... that I was injured... haha ​​At that time, I raised my nose by about 2mm and attached it to the tip of my nose with a band of ear cartilage...-_-;; It turned out so naturally that even my close friends didn't know about it... I had doubts, but I said no because it turned out perfectly. I was somewhat satisfied with the results after the surgery. That's what made me look so prettier!! But 4 years passed and I turned 23, the silicone came down and my nose didn't look very pretty... And now that I've grown up and thought about it, I realized that the place where I had surgery wasn't the place where a plastic surgeon did the surgery. I was a minor at the time, but my nose didn't look that good. My friend and I had it done without our parents' my friend had side effects and had to re-surgery two years other friend also had surgery here, and this friend's side effects are now that the silicone has come down and is clearly visible. Anyway, I got greedy this time, so I had the surgery again. Jeko originally won, but when viewed from the front, it looked like a bulbous nose. So, after the first surgery, my nose got taller, but it didn't cover the spread of the nose, which is characteristic of a bulbous nose. So, I had reoperation about a month ago to reduce the size of my nose and make my nose look a little higher...-_-;; But for some reason... the bridge of the nose seemed to have shrunk a little, but the nose had become so high that only the nose was visible from the face... The nose was not small to begin with, but when I put it upright, it became big and long, so the nose was actually half the face. .So, I have already told the hospital that I will have another surgery... This time, I am planning to just remove the silicone and use only my ear cartilage to replace the tip of the nose with a septum or something.... With my original beoseon nose... This is a long post. The reason I am writing this is because I got a lot of information about reoperation here at Seongyesa, and there is something I would like to tell people who are about to have reoperation or surgery for the first time... Please make your decision about surgery very carefully. First of all, it is not good to put foreign objects in your nose. It seems...whether it's silicone or material, won't it all come down later?? And I don't think nose surgery can be done all at once. Of course, it could be due to one's own greed, but...anyway... And when you have surgery, really get a lot of consultation. You need to understand the surgical style of the director of the hospital where you will be having surgery. For example, some people prefer a tabi nose, some prefer a straight nose, and I think each director has his or her own style. So, you should consult thoroughly before surgery... Cost You can't get it done anywhere just because it's cheap... Something that could last a lifetime can be re-operated if something goes wrong, so you shouldn't get it done anywhere... And it seems like noses are also going with the trend... It's really easy to get it done once, but you'll keep worrying about your tank top, get stressed out, and drink alcohol. If I eat a lot, my nose gets swollen and painful, and I don't want to worry about that anymore, so I'm going to take the silicone out this time. My nose will be a little lower, but I think it'll be easier!! It may seem like I'm posting a fact that everyone already knows, but I'm just posting this in hopes that you won't make the same mistake I did...^^* Please make your decision carefully and let's be pretty!! So, the question is how much does it swell if you remove the silicone? I have to work at work, so I can only rest for about 5 days... Also, during my reoperation this time, the tip of my nose was raised to match the bridge of my nose. If I remove the silicone this time, will the tip of my nose go down as well, or will I just leave it as is? If I just leave it as is, the forehead will be too low and the tip of the nose will be too high... If anyone has experienced it or seen it, please leave a comment. I'm just waiting for the day to have reoperation... I don't take many pictures these days because all I can see is my nose... .My close friend is teasing me by saying I have a nose...... ㅠㅜ Ah, I guess I should go to the hospital for a consultation...-_-;; Before that, I'm curious~ Please leave a reply~~~!!

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