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Male rhinoplasty 3mm, septum 2 week review (caution of long post)

Date 20.04.27 10:39:12 View 7,387

*Because the photos are mostly obscured, this article focuses on first-hand reviews rather than comparing before-and-after photos. 1. On the first day, it hurt more than I thought, perhaps because my expectations were lowered because I had heard many people say that there was no pain. The surgery was performed under general anesthesia and local anesthesia. After 20 minutes of general anesthesia, I was conscious but had no sensation. I read online that this type of surgery can leave a traumatic experience as you feel the surgical process, but I am against the idea. Rather, I was able to know whether the doctor I was consulting with was performing the procedure himself, and I was able to exchange opinions and coordinate with him during the surgery. After the surgery, you will be wearing a splint and cotton pads, and it is recommended that you take painkillers every 6 hours. It hurts more than I thought, and having to breathe through my mouth is painful, so it's mentally better to forget about the pain in my nose. The eyes seem to be very crowded, but this is not an optical illusion and is actually due to the splint and taping. I don't blindly believe in folk remedies, but I felt like I was grasping at straws, so I drank 5 pumpkin juices, ate beef porridge, and slept while sitting. I neglected the cold compress, but from a macroscopic perspective, it is better to just apply the cold compress all day on the first day. 2. On the second day, when I wake up, my face is severely swollen. There are blue bruises around the eyes. In the Marine Corps search party, I was able to do all kinds of difficult things, including butt-throwing, but it was really hard to breathe through my mouth. Especially when eating, you need to take a deep breath, chew, rest, and repeat. At night, I took a leisurely walk in the back park for 40 minutes, drank 5 pumpkin juices, ate porridge, and sat down to sleep. 3. On the third day, I knew the swelling was severe, but no matter what you imagined, the swelling was exactly 2.5 times more than that. I really don't look like a person and I can't even open my eyes in the morning. It is a time when facing one's family becomes difficult and one's self-esteem drops significantly. In times like these, you need to eat better, walk more, and avoid looking in the mirror. Take a walk for 30-40 minutes in the morning and evening. At this time, it is not good to avoid UV rays. Wear a hat and avoid a mask if possible. 4. On the 4th day, the swelling is at the level of the 2nd day. At the hospital, cotton pads are removed and some of the foreign substances in the nose are removed. For a moment, I can breathe through my nose and feel like I'm really flying, but once I get home, I can breathe through my mouth again. The inside of my nose is swollen and there is nothing I can do about it. Now that you are used to breathing through your mouth, it is difficult but you are not conscious of it. I still eat pumpkin porridge and a low-salt regular diet. 5. On the 5th day, the swelling has slightly decreased and the bruises around and above the eyes have moved to the area around the nose and under the eyes. You can stop taking antibiotics and still take walks in the morning and evening and drink pumpkin juice. 6. On the 7th day, remove the splint. Did the nurse accidentally cut my nose instead of the splint? The effect is so big that it makes you wonder. The quality of life has improved and some of the puffy eyes have returned due to the removal of the taping, but they are still very similar to the eyes of Shin Dong-yeop, the god of entertainment. When I still sleep, I sleep sitting up and breathe through my mouth. 7. On the 9th day, the stitches inside the nose are removed. The major swelling has almost disappeared and I am now concerned about bruising. I naturally have thick skin that doesn't bruise easily, but I neglected to apply cold compresses on the first day, so I have a lot of small bruises. I bought angelica root at a pharmacy and took it every 6 hours for 3 days. Excellent for removing swelling and improving bruising. When eating angelica root, be sure to drink it with water. I didn't know that, so I chewed that bitter thing for a minute. 8. On the 12th day, I went to my friend’s opening ceremony. Here, I met my friend's girlfriend's friend and decided to hang out in the early morning of the 13th day. The swelling is at a level that the average person cannot perceive. The bruise is still yellow, like a dark circle under the eye, and in the middle of the nose. Using Graphene Concealer for Men sold by Olive Young, I applied it thinly several times so that I couldn't tell unless I looked closely. I haven't met any female friends since the surgery, and I met the boys on the 11th and 12th days, but they didn't recognize me because they thought I had lost weight. I've heard a few times that I've lost weight and look more handsome. I am sure that the decisive factor in getting a girlfriend was my charm, but since it was our first meeting, I think the nose surgery played a big part in helping me attract attention. If you don't get their attention (if you can't make contact), you don't have a chance to show your charm. 9. Day 14, today is. Even the stitches inside the nose were removed. The stuff near the nostrils in the photo is ointment. The surgeon said that the swelling has gone down to a level that people who see it for the first time would not even think about, and that you will have to wait a week for the bruises to completely disappear. Does the eye movement return to the point where it won't be strange to others after about 10 days? If you look closely in the mirror, the hair in front of your eyes is still slightly elongated. Please note that it is said that you have to wait for about 3 months for it to return to its original shape. (Starting on the 10th day, there is no stress at all due to puffy eyes. It feels natural.) In conclusion, the reason why my nose surgery was successful is because I was not greedy. Because the skin was thick and the nose bone was blunt, the doctor originally planned to insert 4mm, but I did not give in, so they had to operate on 3mm. 3mm is also noticeable. If you have a normal nose bridge, even 2mm will be noticeable. Unless you have a really flat nose, I don't recommend going above 3mm. (Of course, this is out of the question for those who want a fancy nose or dramatic results.) The tip of the nose was raised to 3mm to the nasal septum. The key to post-surgery care is taking a walk in the morning and evening ★★★★★ sitting down to sleep ★★★★☆ taking medicine regularly ★★★★☆ low-salt diet ★★★☆☆ regularly drinking pumpkin juice ★★☆☆☆ . (Personal experience + information I have learned so far) I believe there is no such thing as an ugly face. However, there are only faces that are recognized as “pretty” in society, and I think the reason for surgery is to get closer to that objective image of beauty. I hope you all have good results, and the faces of those who hesitated to have surgery but didn't do it are also beautiful. Thank you for reading this long article.

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