<수술하고 2주 되었을때의 정면 사진 이예요. 저는 무보형물로 수술했고 코끝은 비중격, 귀연골 이용했어요. 앞모습은 수술하기전에도 괜찮다고 생각했어갖고 원장님한테 수술하고나서 앞모습이 변하지 않았으면 좋겠다고 했어요. ㅋㅋ 이병원 자체가 사람들이 약간 코를 길게뺀다고 하길래 자칫하면 노안될까봐 앞모습 변화없이 해달라했는데 진짜 만족 ㅎ 거의 비슷하죵?>
<옆모습이예용 이것도 수술하고 2주밖에 안되서 콧대는 안했는데 약간의 붓기때문에 콧대가 좀 높아보이네용ㅋㅋㅋ 그리고 코 메부리에 진짜 짧죵..? 원장님이 제 코 보면서 이 작은코에 있을건 다 있네요ㅋㅋㅋ 라고 말함헿..0>
<코 밑에서 바라봤을때입니다. 저는 여태 ㅋㅋㅋ 살면서 제 코가 휜줄 몰랐는데 밑에서 찍은사진보니까 휘었더라구요? 근데 그거 원장님한테 교정해달라고 말도안했는데 알아서 해주셨어요.ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 개이득.. ㅎ헿>
<마지막 사진 두달째인 오늘사진입니당 저는 워낙에 수술전에 직반버선코를 원해서 딱 맞게 해준것같아서 만족해요. 다만 좀 자연스러운거같아서 더 높게 하고싶지만 제가 피부가 굉장히 얇고,,, 코도 엄청 작아서 ㅋㅋㅋ 저정도 뺀것만으로 만족 더 높게 했으면 연골이 비쳤을듯, ㅎ >
After debating whether or not to get nose surgery for almost 5 years, I had the surgery.
I had a nose treatment done 6 years ago, but because it was a procedure, there was no dramatic effect and it was
pretty at first, but as time went by, the tip of my nose continued to sag.
So, after looking into hospitals for several years, I decided to have surgery.
After rhinitis surgery, my nose got much better.
And after surgery 8?9? From the first day... There is a noise nose wash advertised by Lee Sang-min, and I do this once a day, so the
functional recovery is much faster...
I asked Sam, who did plastic surgery at the ENT clinic, and he said of course it would be better if I did it, so I'm doing it.
I think it's a good idea to always wash your nose after rhinitis surgery.
My cousin had rhinitis surgery at a university hospital, and they told me to wash my nose for two months. Haha.
If you don't use force when washing your nose, the shape won't change. Well, there's no stuffy nose and no feeling of a foreign body in your nose.
Then, everyone, look prettier~^_^
So pretty!! She's still pretty 2 weeks after surgery // Last picture.. There's no scar on her nose and she's so pretty?? Wow, please tell me some hospital information