Job Review

(Small nose) 7th month after nose surgery

Date 19.06.15 20:28:47 View 8,908

In mid-November of last year, before the entrance exams for college students started, I took advantage of an event at Gangnam unnie when she didn't come out for a few weeks because she said she was taking the college entrance exam . On my first visit, Dr. Lee Young-taek did it, and on the day of my surgery, he said he was going to an overseas conference or something, so Dr. Kang-Woo Lee is also a nose specialist. I got him to have surgery. Silicon on the bridge of the nose, nasal septum, ear cartilage at the tip of the nose (I'm sorry, but I happened to see Dr. Lee Young-taek's Instagram, and it seemed like he went to see an auto book in Germany, not at an academic society hahahahahaha) Now that I think about it, it was a gamble completely; It hasn't been 10 years since it opened, and I was just trying to establish myself by promoting events and attracting people. But I'm really, really satisfied..! Originally, Jeco was really, really small. Do you breathe with your nose ? (I think my older sister took a picture of your face and only shortened your nose with Photoshop (I heard ex-boyfriends like this haha) The width of your nose was narrow and sleazy . It's really, really natural, but it's high ㅠㅠ Between glamor and naturalness? No one would know if I didn't say I had a nose. But I often hear that my nose is pretty ㅇㅇ But it's dry.. The support bar? The tape hurts so much when I take it off hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.. even the nurses usually do not wash their face for a few days, the oil comes out and comes off easily~;; You said it was a nose that I had no blackhead ?????? I suddenly got blackheads ㅠㅠ They still exist.. I guess it's because my pores are craving.. I don't have to worry about it.. It's something I haven't had in my entire life, so it's a little soft.. And dead skin on the nose ㅠㅠㅠ I still have a little bit of this. It must have been really bad in the beginning.. I think it was because the skin was craving and surprised haha.. Until the first 2 weeks, everyone had a very pointed nose . Just because it's all gone, it's like getting into a car accident right now (a metaphor hahaha) He said that you have to think about recovering, so he waited for you- Kya... Even the mother who was the most upset didn't say anything anymore hahahahahaha This year's new students also have that nose. If I said, "Neng???? ㅁㅁㅋ The name of the hospital, I'm going to follow the teacher and do it after the entrance exam." It's like this ha . ) The incision scar under the nose is still ㅠㅠ It's red , even though I applied Dermatix consistently. And a little scar on the inside of your nose? I have some flesh that has risen slightly, but I don't care~ I don't know if my skin is keloid . In the beginning, it was the most uncomfortable to breathe for a day or two.. And my ears hurt.. I think I had 100 piercings on my ear . Well, it's a part you can't see! Haha (I was caressed by a resident man, but I thought I saw it at the time haha ..) Anyway. If you ask, I highly recommend it haha ​​Dr. Kang-Woo Lee , get in-breath and exhalation wealth and health . ).. The price ㅠㅠ I can't afford it, so I'm currently thinking of it as PDR~ Director Lee Kang-woo is better for consulting me ㅠㅠ Kind and detailed explanations.. People are soft.. PDR is something like 'Hmm, I'm the best specialist'.. ?Feeling?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Although professional, the explanation is a bit boring..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ + Please be kind to the counselor! But the people at the other desks or the people in the management office are just capitalistic services..? I don't feel that friendly haha ​​Please refer to it! +Director Lee Young-taek seems to pursue a ''comparative'' colorful line, director Lee Kang-woo pursues a ''comparative'' natural line~ Anyway, everyone is pretty and happy~~~:)

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