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I had no choice but to have the surgery again because of Dr. Dodolori.

Date 18.12.25 03:45:37 View 4,982

In June 2016, I had surgery on the corners of my mouth and lowered my nostrils at a plastic surgery clinic (the consultant recommended that I make the bridge of my nose thinner so that it wouldn't be noticeable, so I had the surgery with my consent, but it ended up wide open). After 6 months, I didn't like it, so I had the entire nose implant removed . 2018 In May of 2018 , the director who performed the first surgery to implant a pea-sized amount of ear cartilage into the tip of the nose requested improvement in the bluntness of the tip of the nose . A few months before the director left the company, the nose began to deform, the columella was bent, the tip of the nose came down, the tip of the nose was dull, the cartilage was transparent, and the stuffiness felt strange. After much deliberation, I decided to have the surgery again . I made a reservation for surgery, but I canceled it because I was scared. I decided to have another surgery because my nose was rapidly deforming. In early December 2018, I underwent nasal tip lowering and functional plastic surgery at another hospital (nasal valve, rhinitis, nasal septal deviation) (support autologous costal cartilage, nasal alar) Skin grafting nose bridge (Alloderm 1~2mm) I tried to focus on the tip of the nose, but when I set up the support and tie the tip cartilage, the tip of the nose goes up, so I agreed that 1~2mm should be placed on the bridge of the nose. During the interview with the director after the post-surgery disinfection, there was no agreement on the inside of the nose. The donated costal cartilage came out, and when the nostril was lowered, the ear cartilage transplanted to the wing of the nose was found to have been removed. It was so absurd and ridiculous that I contacted the previous hospital and explained the situation. I searched the Internet to find out where the doctor who had left the company was, and made an appointment at that hospital and went to another hospital. He said that he was the person who had the surgery when he was affiliated with the hospital. A few minutes later, he said that he could not connect me to the director if he was coming because of the surgery I had when I was affiliated with another hospital. Now, I am not affiliated with that hospital, but with this hospital, so no matter how much I talk about it, it is useless, and the surgery was performed while I was affiliated with that hospital. So, they told me to go to that hospital and talk to them. I spoke to the director of another hospital before that and complained. The next day, I talked to the director of the legal department for an hour. Even if I go to trial, I have a low chance of winning, and hiring a lawyer is expensive and takes a long time, so I can't get a certain amount of money back. He said he would tell me how to do it and help me proceed. I simply wanted to know if it was true and wanted an apology if he admitted it, but I changed my mind. I am preparing documents to file a legal settlement or claim for damages against that doctor. The conclusion is that the donation was less removed because of that doctor. I had a problem with my nose because of the costal cartilage, so I had no choice but to have a reoperation. As of now, the results of lowering the nostrils that I wanted so much are good, but the previous doctor did not even mention the donated costal cartilage from before the surgery until I left the company. Because of that doctor, I tried to get my nose back to the old one as much as possible before the reoperation. The cost and time spent for this treatment and the cost of the reoperation this time are the difference. And they did not mention scar treatment for a year after lip surgery. I missed the treatment period and did not receive treatment. Instead of just pinch marks, I got pitted scars on both corners of my mouth. I received laser injection treatment at another hospital, but nothing at all. It's not getting better, the pigmentation is getting worse, and there doesn't seem to be any sign of it getting better. It's highly likely that it's marionette wrinkles, but it's bullshit. It's not a marionette wrinkle because of the location. ㅅㅂ Seriously, I  'm really mad. The money I spent when I was affiliated with the hospital before was over 1,000,000. All the surgeries performed by that doctor. There was almost nothing I liked about the procedures. It was a waste of money and I would like to get it all back, but I don't want to go that far. It's annoying that only the counseling director and director left the company and had other people take care of the cleanup, as if running away. I wonder how someone like that became a plastic surgeon. The more I do it, the more it feels...

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Cmts 23
헐 미친거 아닙니까? 사람 가장 중요한 얼굴 그렇게 만들고...
도대체 왜 찍어내기만 하고 진실로 환자 생각하는 의사는 없는건지..
앞으로 정말 좋은일만 있을겁니다 조금이라도 기운 팍팍 내세요ㅜ
18-12-25 04:02
[@긍정이다] 글 작성자 입니다 그 의사는 선한 인상으로 저에게 큰 상처를 줬습니다 ㅠㅠ 이건 그냥 넘어갈수 없어요...사전에 동의없이 다른 재료를 쓴건 이해하지만 수술전 부터 퇴사 전까지 기증늑을 썼다는 얘기도 못듣고 재수술을 하면서 그때 알게된 사실이라 너무 화가나고 그 의사를 어찌 해야될지 고민이네요
18-12-25 04:38
글에서 진심 딥빡이 느껴지네요... 궁금하네요 한 사람의 인생을 이렇게 고달프게 만들어놓고 잘 지낼 수 있는지
18-12-25 04:17
[@알로니] 제가 오죽 억울하면 네이버 변호사 위주로 거의 책 한권 수준의 글로 하소연을 했겠습니까 ㅠㅜ
18-12-25 04:40
이럴 수가... 제가 봐도 화나네요...
18-12-25 04:34
[@짜냥] 모든 사람들이 저 같은 실수를 하지 않기를 바라네요ㅠㅠ
18-12-25 04:40
글 올려주셔서 감사합니다ㅠㅠ
18-12-25 11:14
완전히 정신나간병원이네요;; 그런곳이 있다는거자체가;; 화가나네요
18-12-25 11:25
제가 다 분통이 터집니다. 남일같지 않네요. 꼭 승소하시고 한 다 푸셨으면 좋겠어요. 날렸던 시간, 돈 제 일 같이 아깝네요 정말
18-12-25 19:34
진짜 열받으시겟어요.. 이런거 보면 어느원장을 믿을수 있을지 모르겠네요..
18-12-26 00:36
아 진짜 싸이코패스같아요 그 전의사,, 사이코가 아니고서야 ..기증늑은 말도없이 맘대로 써서 한거에요?? ㄷ ㄷ ㄷ 아 열받아요 ㅜ 그런사람이 의사라니 ㅜㅜㅜㅁㅊㄴ들 많네요
18-12-26 01:19
이런 글 올리는 게 참 맘처럼 쉽지않고 번거로우실텐데 사진까지 첨부해서 병원정보까지 세세하게 알려주셔서 정말 감사합니다. 꼭 승소하시길 바라겠습니다. 상담하셨을 때 녹음파일 같은 게 있으면 좋을텐데요.. ㅜㅜ
18-12-26 12:40
속상하시겠어요.. 힘내세요ㅠ
18-12-26 12:59
정말 마음 아프시겠어요. 힘내세요 ㅜㅜ
18-12-27 05:31
18-12-27 21:12
너무화나네요..마음고생너무심하실거 같아요
19-01-08 06:06
첫수병원어디신가요? 저도 개빡치는 넘한테 받고  만곡증생기고 실리휘고 코끝한쪽은 쳐지고 한쪽은 올라가 잇어요.... 진짜 개빡쳐서 못살겟습니다 재수술안하고서는
19-01-09 20:21
진짜 속상하시겠어요... 그런사람이 어떻게 의사를하는지;;; 진짜 자격 미달아닌가요 어휴...
19-01-18 10:21
아오 진짜 너무 화나네요 ㅠㅠ 미친거 아니에요? 잘 해결되길 바래요ㅠㅠㅠ
19-01-27 18:02
힘내세요 .. 꼭 잘 해결되시길 빕니다!
19-01-29 14:10
이제야 전 새우님글쓰신거 하나하나 정독해 답변을 쓰네요.
정말 제친구와 똑같은 경우에요. 저역시 비공이 올라간코에 구축초기증상으로 재수술을 알아보고있고, 수술전모습이 저와 많이 비슷해서 너무 이해가 가네요 .. 저도 전 병원에서 저와 상의없이 이번에 재수술알아보면서 이비인후과병원에서 인공뼈 의심이 된다하여서 전화해서 확인해본결과, 메드포어라는 요즘의사들이 쓰지도않는걸 썼다는걸 이제알아버려서 너무너무 열받고 숨이턱턱막힙니다 ㅠㅠ
부디 저도 이번재수술로 인해서 상처받지않길바래요 ㅠㅠ
이번 수술은 잘되셧다고 하니 , 정말 다행이네요!
쪽지 보낸부분 확인도 부탁드립니다
19-04-10 03:57
헐...? 어디에용 저런곶은소문나서젇국민다알아야되요;;
20-12-24 02:00
속상하실듯 ㅠ
21-09-20 23:31
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