Job Review

Rhinoplasty Week 3 Review

Date 19.09.09 11:52:25 View 1,283

Hello, I had nose surgery last month from the director of the ㅇㅇ* hospital. During the consultation, I found out that my nose was a curved nose, so I slightly sharpened the curved nose and put 3mm silicone. It seems that it was possible to proceed with the nose closed because I wanted a natural nose rather than flashy, and I used a little ear cartilage and dermis for the mesh material. After removing the splint on the 8th day, including the day of surgery, I was surprised that there was no swelling more than I expected. I heard that it depends on each person's body type and physical condition, so I wondered if eating well and sleeping well at home had an effect. The tape was very tight, so I got a little bruised when I removed it, but fortunately, as seen in many reviews, it was solved with a compress and time. At the time of the surgery, the design with the blue name pen remained as it was, so it took a while to erase. I am generally satisfied with the surgical procedure and results. However, there are a few unpleasant things about being discharged from the hospital without being explained about the post-surgery process, and even now, 3 weeks later, there is still a little bit of swelling that I don't know if it's swelling. First of all, I thought it was the patient's right and duty to be fully explained about the surgical procedure, so I made an appointment and had a consultation with the doctor in charge a week (two weeks after the surgery). There were many questions about how many millimeters of silicone was used, why the dermis was used besides the ear cartilage, and why the bridge of the nose still looks convex. Regarding this, I was told that the actual size of the silicone is not very important as each person's original nose height is different, and that there is no need to worry about looking convex. As more time goes by, I think I will be able to know the condition more clearly, whether the swelling goes down or the swelling remains. In the case of the latter, I would like to ask you to explain in more detail as it will be a month later. I met a friend a few days ago, and since it was my first meeting with an acquaintance after surgery, my heart was pounding. But even if it's been a few hours since we met, you don't even know. Of course, compared to the previous photos, the sharper nose bridge and the swollen nose tip are definitely noticeable. It seems that it came out really naturally as I hoped. Other than that, I don't have anything special to say, so I'll just keep this short. I hope it can be a little help to those who are worried.

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Cmts 3
19-09-09 16:48
19-09-11 04:54
19-09-20 15:12
Cowon Plastic Surgery Clinic
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