Job Review

Rhinoplasty one-month review (must read for those who have had plastic surgery)

Date 18.02.28 20:55:28 View 38,222

hello? First of all, the writer is a man and had surgery on January 30th with 5.5mm silicone on the bridge of the nose and septal cartilage at the tip of the nose. As of today, it has been one month since the surgery. The contents below are my subjective experiences and thoughts, so please just use them as a reference ^^ Please understand if there are any typos ㅠ (Before nose surgery) First of all, I was careful to be careful before nose surgery, so I mainly referred the hospital to my close associates who had had rhinoplasty and consulted with them. , I also searched on the Internet and visited hospitals to receive consultations. I received consultations from exactly 15 places, and out of the 15, 3 were envied, but it was narrowed down to 1st place ㅂㄴㅂㄱ, 2nd place ㄷㅇㅇ, and 3rd place ㅂ, so my choice was Director ㅇㅅㅎ of ㄷㅇㅇ Hospital, which was 2nd place. The reason is that the directors of military hospitals 9-10 out of 15 did not recommend surgery and stopped me by saying that my nose is fine enough now. Even before the surgery, people close to me tried to stop me by saying, “Your nose is fine, why do it?”, but people’s greed is endless... However, the directors of the three hospitals above said that if it is done, what should be done for the bridge of the nose when surgery is performed in various shapes and positions? They explained how the tip of the nose is like this and that . In particular, ㅂ, which was ranked 3rd, took a CT scan from the time of the consultation to accurately understand the inside of the nose. ㅂㄴㅂㄱ, which was ranked 1st, was a very large hospital, so the consultation and director teacher was there. It was reliable, but something felt uncomfortable, so I passed it, and ended up doing it at ㄷㅇㅇ, which was second place. Be sure to exercise caution before surgery. In particular, before surgery , find out in advance the degree of asymmetry in your nose shape and the degree of unevenness of your nostrils in side and front photos. I didn't know this in my life, but I was interested before the surgery and measured the angle and tape measure and found that it was asymmetrical. It wasn't that bad, haha. It was amazing. (On the day of surgery) I am very scared. I was really nervous before the surgery... What if the anesthesia doesn't work... What if I wake up... What if the surgery hurts? The surgery really doesn't hurt at all. The thing that hurt the most was having my blood drawn during the pre-surgery blood test. Hahaha. Oh, and pre-surgery blood test, electrocardiogram, city scan , and As soon as I woke up, my throat was really dry and stinging, as if I hadn't had water in 10 years. I couldn't breathe. From now on, the pain started. However, I didn't have any pain in my nose after the nose surgery... I only had pain that made it difficult to breathe. (2nd day after surgery) Since I had difficulty breathing after joining Seongyesa, I searched and searched for various reasons and was very scared when I saw information about various side effects. It works ㅠ And there was no swelling~ So I thought, oh, I have a plastic constitution. And because I couldn't breathe through my nose, I had to sleep with my mouth open, which was painful. I couldn't even sleep for 4-5 hours a day. Fortunately, I worked as a parent, so I took some time off and stayed at home.... (3rd to 5th days after surgery) Others All the cotton in the nose is removed on the 2nd to 3rd day, but the hospital told me to come on the 4th day. I found out the reason later... There was no cotton in my nose to begin with. I was using a silicone sheet inside my nose to stop the bleeding. Haha I looked it up and it said that if you do surgery on the septum, it is blocked with a silicone sheet haha ​​And it started to swell a lot starting on the 3rd day haha ​​My double couple was swollen and my double couple swelled to the point where it swelled haha ​​I was looking in the mirror at home and it was so swollen that I thought, wow, this is going to go wrong. ㅠ On the 4th day, I removed the taping in front of my nose, disinfected it, and taped it again~ It hurts a little when the taping is done. But it's bearable. On the 5th day, the swelling goes down to some extent. I took an ice pack and took a walk around the neighborhood for 30 minutes in the cold wind. It was very helpful. I also followed what I saw at Seongyesa. And the thing I saw the most was that the nostrils were too asymmetrical after the surgery... At this time, I was also really worried when I saw the asymmetry in the nostrils. These worries disappeared in the second week... The symmetry returned to 90% and gradually returned to the symmetry before the surgery. But it's not 100% the same ... Even before surgery, humans have even nostrils. However, I don't know because the difference is not that much. (7th day after surgery) I went to the hospital, removed the silicone sheet inside my nose, sterilized the inside of my nose, removed the stitches on the outside of my nose, applied ointment to the surgical scar under my nose, and taped it like a splint. At this time, I saw my nose for the first time. Mental breakdown itself... I consulted with the director in charge and listened to various explanations, but when I saw the shape for the first time, I was very disappointed... It was completely avatar, the tip of the nose was lumpy and lifted a lot, and I had a complete mental breakdown. The director said that he would like it when the swelling went down, and he moved his nose this way and that, and he was satisfied and liked it. When I got home, I looked up a sex artist and got anxious... Oh, and it hurts so much when they remove the silicone sheet inside my nose. ㅋ Really , the nose pain during rhinoplasty surgery is rated 5 stars in terms of difficulty. ㅋ Don't be nervous ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (8th to 14th day after surgery) All the major swelling has gone down and some minor swelling remains , but the stitches in the nose are removed in the 2nd week... It still hurts a bit at this time, but I can bear it. Just do it. However... I still don't like the shape of my nose... At this time, I am relieved that the nostril asymmetry has returned, but the tip of my nose looks curved. Before the surgery, my nose looked slightly curved... but it will be more prominent. .. But this worry will disappear after about a month haha ​​It's getting more and more normal haha ​​The tip of my nose is more crooked than before the surgery haha ​​(20th day after surgery) A lot of the swelling seems to have gone down, but my eyes still look crowded and my avatar is a lot tighter. The tip of my nose is starting to go down and the swelling seems to be going down slightly. (A month after the surgery) I love the way it looks. I'm dying . The avatar is completely gone and the puffy eyes are starting to get better from then on . The doctor said I'm worried that the tip of my nose is going down even more, but I'm worried. I'm so happy now, but that's what I'm worried about. Right after the surgery, I was scared because it went up so much, but now... I'm worried about it going down. When I decided on a nose bridge of 5.5 in advance, didn't people around me think it was too high? Even the sex artist said it was too high... I think right now I want to go with 8mm lol. Also, I think men's nose bridge should be high , so check the height of the forehead and the degree of forehead protrusion and decide on the amount of silicone ... My forehead height is high. I decided on this because it was a face that could be turned off at a high level . The skin is not thin, so I decided to carve it at 6mm and get 5.5mm. Please discuss it with your doctor. (Side effects) From day 1 to now, my biggest concern is that it is difficult to breathe through the nose. So, I went to the ENT on the 20th day, and there was blood inside my nose. They said there was stagnation ㅡㅡ.... I was really surprised... But they told me not to worry... It wasn't a blood clot that was caused by the silicone floating around the eyebrows, but it was because the hemostasis wasn't working well after the surgery. At this time, the ENT doctor was furious lol Plastic surgery XX They say they only stop the bleeding well and don't stop the bleeding perfectly. I'm cursing them. I was worried and asked a lot of questions. I was prescribed treatment and antibiotics and came out. At this time, I was able to breathe through my nose much better and smell better, but I couldn't go for three days. It's clogged again ... So I went in one more time to get blood drawn, but only about a third of the blood came out than when I first got it. It doesn't come out anymore, but then it pops out again, and then it's clogged again. But the degree of the clog is not as bad as before, but just a little bit? Still, I can't breathe as much as I did before the nose surgery. It's getting better day by day, and I feel reassured when they explain that it's because I still have swelling inside my nose . I hope I can breathe as easily as before the nose surgery quickly... When I went to get the aftercare program, he said he would schedule a meeting with the director and then see how things were progressing. I hope nothing bad happens... I really like the shape, but I think I'll have a meltdown if the silicone is removed. (Personal opinion) I really like the shape of my nose right now. If you don't want to have it or have surgery after surgery, only those who want to make a taller and prettier nose should have the surgery... I don't want to recommend this risk if it's natural and just slightly raising the nose ... You don't know how stressful it is to lose the functionality of the nose. Ah. Also, many people worry about foreign bodies in their nose, but I don't feel it much... I don't know if it's silicone, but the tip of my nose is very hard. I can't even put my fingers in my nostrils, so I always have to carry a cotton swab with me. When the columella part comes down on my face, it pulls and sneezes when I smile. When I do it, my nose feels tight haha. It's very uncomfortable for me, but I can tolerate it. No matter how cold it is in the middle of winter, I think anyone who can wear a coat and look cool and pretty can tolerate the feeling of a foreign body after rhinoplasty from an aesthetic level . Haha I also have a sensitive nose. It's pretty, so the foreign body feeling is nothing. But it's cold. What kind of coat is this? It's padding...   For those of you who think aesthetics are not important, consider it... And I recommend using nasal septum cartilage rather than ear cartilage for the tip of your nose. I've rarely seen people around me who are satisfied with ear cartilage... It's natural and hard. A lot of people do it with ear cartilage... but the downside is that the tip of the nose goes down over time... If that's the case, it's better to get nose filler or something semi-permanent like tying the tip of the nose with thread... It looks raw... The nasal septum is very hard, but it gets hard over time. Do you get used to it or do you feel like it's getting soft? Well, there are pros and cons, so it's a matter of personal opinion, so decide wisely~~~ This is just my experience and I'm writing my objective thoughts, so please take note~~~ Also, I have a question for those of you who have had rhinoplasty for more than two months. But when will the swelling inside my nose go down and will I be able to breathe like before? Please leave a comment ㅠㅠ (Additional) In my notepad before surgery 1. I don't like how straight my nose looks when viewed from below, like a snub nose after surgery. 2. The bridge of my nose looks so missing that it looks like an arrowhead. I don't like the shape either. 3. I saw the side effect of the silicone shaking, so I ordered this to please make sure the silicone sticks well. Even during the pre-surgery meeting with the director, I begged like crazy haha. The director laughed. Haha. If I go back, I think I will additionally say that I would like to ask you to carefully stop the bleeding. Please appeal what you want one more time right before the surgery and give me a note.

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