Job Review

4 and a half year review of nose surgery

Date 16.05.22 23:45:16 View 2,903

Hello~ This is my first time writing after signing up. I had a complex nose surgery about four years ago without knowing why. If I had known about a good community like Seongyesa back then, I don't think it would have been as difficult as it is now... Ever since I was young, I have wanted to have a small, low nose surgery. Then, when I became a college student, I had nose surgery without knowing why. With only a limited amount of knowledge, I went to a famous place in Apgujeong and had surgery at a place recommended by my mother's friend. Maybe I was captivated by the personable counseling director, Aunt... Maybe it was because it was a hospital where the uncommunicative and blunt director performed surgery alone... Ear cartilage + Gore-Tex and Alloderm. I was anxious because I lacked understanding of the materials I was going to use for the surgery, but I was quite satisfied with the results of the surgery. However, after the surgery, I searched a lot on the Internet and learned about various side effects, and as a result, I was anxious because I didn't know if it was the cartilage that was protruding under the tip of my left nose. The hospital said it was due to swelling, but even now, almost five years later, it is still protruding. And it even hurts. The part below the tip of my right nose is hard when I touch it, but the left part is soft, so I don't know if Alloderm has been absorbed... or if my ear cartilage has sunk. Sometimes that part gets red and itchy, and I feel like it's shaking when I walk, so I 'm really worried. I've never been to the hospital before, so I'm thinking of going for a checkup, but I'm scared of the side effects. If I have to have surgery to remove it, I'm worried about whether there will be any side effects afterward, and whether I'll be able to live with satisfaction with how I look after it's removed... But I'm also scared that I'll live with anxiety for the rest of my life if I have to have surgery again to get a pretty nose . ㅠㅠ The article got longer as I wrote it. I don't know if this is a review or a whining post, but in any case, I totally recommend it to anyone considering nose surgery. It's already hard to live, but I don't think there's any need to add one more thing to worry about... Anyway, let's all do our best! (Oh, the hospital initials will be deleted if it becomes a problem)

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