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[코포토후기] I had surgery on December 26th... Please take a look ㅠㅠ

Date 12.01.03 23:14:55 View 2,638

I'm so, so upset. As you can see, it's not noticeable at all, right? I had it done at a famous hospital in Gangnam... Before the procedure, there was a slight curve, so the curve was slightly grounded + 2mm silicone + nasal septum cartilage + ear cartilage + nostril reduction was done. I was quite satisfied with the nose as it was pretty high and pretty until the swelling went down. I did it, but after the swelling went down, I really thought someone had cut the silicone... I thought I was the only one who subjectively thought that way, but when I met my friends, they said it wasn't noticeable at all, so they told me to go to the hospital and ask for it to be redone... My family also said it wasn't noticeable at all... so much . I was so frustrated that I called the hospital, and they told me to wait for now because the swelling hadn't gone down much yet. I didn't see any signs of it, but I asked if I needed to have a second surgery. They said that would be difficult... I asked how many millimeters they had. They said it was 2mm... I'm going to have the stitches removed this Saturday, January 7th, and I'll talk to the director and manager again then... Honestly, if the swelling goes down further, it will go down even further, so what's the point of waiting any longer?... Nose for 2 months . I thought about the plastic surgery obesity, and even though it was expensive and difficult, I held on and worked hard at my part-time job... but I'm so, so upset. It's vacation time... honestly, it's peak season at the hospital... Maybe that's why the original surgery time was at 10 o'clock on December 26th, but was it the director's seminar? Due to the schedule, I had to have the surgery at 4 o'clock. If you listen to the stories of my friends who had the surgery there, they say that they decided with the director about how long it would be before going in... But I guess it was because the director was having a hard time, so I just went straight into the surgery without any detailed consultation. But as soon as I left, a nurse saw me and told me to sit down and wait in another consultation room, so I waited without knowing anything... Thanks to that, the director who was giving me plastic surgery consultation called me and asked me where I was when I had to have surgery. He said... I somehow got the feeling that it was being treated too commercially... I'm really, really upset... It's such a waste of money. What should I do in this case? It's not noticeable, but if I'd known it would turn out like this, I wouldn't have even thought about surgery in the first place... It's okay if you don't stop..ㅜㅜ

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