Job Review

I arrived home 10 minutes ago. A warm surgery review..~ ^^ (nose surgery + eye surgery)

Date 05.04.20 15:03:22 View 3,173

Arrived at the hospital at 10:30. After briefly talking with the doctor, I went straight to the operating room. Due to the nurse's foolishness, I had to be pricked with a needle six times while administering the IV solution --; In the end, the doctor came forward and let me go. I decided to do the nose first. The bridge of my nose was slightly raised, so I had surgery to shave it off and add cartilage to naturally increase the height. And it was decided to have surgery on the eyes using posterior cannula and incision method. So I had both sedative anesthesia and local anesthesia. First, an injection was given to the ear to remove the cartilage behind the ear, and after anesthesia, the sound of cartilage being cut was heard. I feel really creepy --; I don't want to do it again.. Then I did anesthesia. It's a full-scale surgery. First, you get an injection of anesthesia... wow... I could hear everything the doctor said while playing with the fairies in pink clothes for a while. Little by little, I came to my senses and started asking the doctor when it would end.. and things like that. My nose really hurt. Sam said that the nose hurts the most... After finishing the nose, it got into my eyes. Since my eyelids are thin and an anterior epicanthoplasty would be strange, I did a posterior epicanthoplasty, believing that Sam was good at posterior epicanthoplasty. The top couple was good. Well, it hurt a lot when I injected it around my eyes... Ugh. I just grumbled and endured it --; But... when I had posterior canthoplasty after double eyelid surgery... I really... wow. >It was terrible ㅠ0ㅠ It really hurts. Wow.. I wonder if they are poking around like that... The pain came five times in each eye --;;;;;;;;;;; It was really painful... They couldn't even give me an anesthetic injection. I think I'm having trouble breathing... ㅠ0ㅠ I think it was done while I was a little under local anesthesia. I was shedding tears... ㅠ0ㅠ My mom, who was waiting outside, came back after the surgery... and said her eyes got big. I started at 10:30 and finished at 2:40. ^^: Now I'm taking the pills and taking them with Vitao Bag... and I'm posting a review. Really... eye surgery and nose surgery are good. That feeling when the cartilage was removed and the huge pain when the posterior cannula was performed... ㅠ0ㅠ Wow... it was terrible... This is how I ended up doing it. Ah... it hurts. It's still throbbing... I'll go to the hospital tomorrow and post a picture... ^^:

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Cmts 8
05-04-20 15:22
저도 수술할떄 생각하면 다신 하고싶지 않은데..ㅎㅎㅎ 지금 안아프세요??
첫날에 무지 아팠는데 ㅡㅜ 찜질 열심히 해주세요^^
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전 캔음료를 얼려서 눈주위 양쪽볼 이렇게만 했어요 눈코에는 손 안대구요..
그렇게 하라고 하셔서요..지금 많이 아프시죠? 저도 눈물이 찔끔 했다는 ㅡㅡㅋ 오늘만 참으세요.. 낼부터는 안아프실거에요..^^
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Cowon Plastic Surgery Clinic
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결론부터 말하자면 상담 받고 3일 뒤에 바로 수술 날짜 잡았어요ㅋㅋㅋ 1) 큰 의료사고 없는 코 전문 병원 2) 의료사고시에 돌변 X / 끝까지 책임지려는 의사 3) 원장님 미감=내가 원하는 디자인 이렇게 세 가지 조건 두고 고르고 골라 상담 받으러 갔고요 성예사에서 후기 보고 상담 받으러 갔는데 역시나 원장님 정말 친절하시더라고요... 상담실장님도 친절하신데 원장님이 인상도 밝으시고 나긋나긋 설명 잘 해주심 처음에 가면 CT 찍고 상담실장님과 원하는 디자인, 수술 여부 등등 간단하게 상담하면서 아이스브레이킹 후(?) 원장님 상담 들어갔고요~ 원장님이 사진을 또 찍어주세요! 그걸로 가상 성형 해주십니다(이거 진짜 성형 뽐뿌와요ㅋ) 원장님 상담 순서는 1) 제 얼굴 문제점(?) 설명 2) 그래서 어떻게 개선할 건지 구체적인 방법 설명 3) 재료 설명 4) 궁금한 점 추가 질문 이 정도였어요~ 이것저것 다 질문했는데 정말 친절하게 미소지어주시며 요목조목 설명해주시더라구요! 예약시간보다 30분인가 상담 시간 딜레이 됐는데 여기서 풀림ㅋ 제가 작은 코인데 살도 없고... 피부도 얇고 원하는 게 자려한 라인이라 사실 고민 많이했거든요! 비침이나 부작용도 무섭지만 했는데 티도 안나는 코는 정말 싫어서요... 원장님한테 이렇게 말씀드렸더니 지금 코에서 위험 부담 없이 최대한 높이는 쪽으로 말씀하셔서 땅땅! 마음의 결정을 했어요! #수술 당일에 원하는 코/원치 않는 코 사진 준비해갔는데... 바쁘시면 그냥 받고 안보시잖아여... 그래도 어쩔 수 없지 했거든요? 꼼꼼하게 봐주시더라고요ㅠ 조만간 살없는 작은코 성공 후기 들고 올게여!
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