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People who want to undergo plastic surgery, please read. A few words from experience.

Date 05.03.20 21:50:52 View 4,876

This is going to be a long post... Whether it's a revision surgery or the first surgery, if you're thinking about plastic surgery, please take a little time and read my article... It takes only a few minutes to read it all. For those of you who don't have time, I've summarized it at the end, so please read it. If you can, read it all the way.. Let me introduce myself.. I'm waiting for the progress of my 4th nose surgery a month ago. I will give you my story and advice from my experience.. In conclusion.. Those who want to have nose surgery.. Never have big fantasies . Throw away the illusion that you will become a celebrity with just one nose surgery. 'Cause I'm bringing I would like to say that nose surgery is a surgery to change the image rather than a surgery to change the nose. However, the image of the whole face is undoubtedly changed. Somehow, it becomes prettier and a refined impression. That kind of change is the most successful case of nose surgery.. However, most people are satisfied with the change in the post-operative image... I want to say it's greed. Do you think your face will look a lot prettier if there is a dramatic change in the nose itself? It never gets pretty. In order to change the nose a lot, you have to raise the eyebrows a lot and manipulate the tip of the nose a lot. Keep in mind that if you raise the eyebrows, the nose will be raised and the impression will be stronger. .There are celebrities like this, don't they look good? An artificial nose like this is pretty if you look at the nose itself, but it does not harmonize with the face and walks around.. Also, excessive manipulation gives an artificial feeling, and the skin is overloaded according to the skin, causing side effects.. When we see people, the eyes It's not about looking at the nose, it's about the harmony of the face.. But a face with such an artificial nose never looks pretty. After my first surgery, my nose itself didn't change much, but there were a lot of changes in my image. Because I've never heard the word pretty, but now I'm tired of hearing people say I'm pretty. I should have stopped here.. but I also kept my nose off and thinking... I overextended myself and had to have the surgery again... Even though the doctor's gland was drying it, I cried a lot. .. I have a so-called sculptural nose. In terms of the nose itself, it was much prettier than the nose when the first surgery was performed. But what do you do when the nose alone becomes a million dollar nose.. After the first surgery, I was tired of hearing the word beautiful, but what I heard after the second operation is like an Indian. The impression is fierce. These are only stories.. After that, I developed severe depression and social phobia. I couldn't stand it and had to have the surgery again after 6 months. The surgery to lower the nose. It was the third surgery, so there was blood on the forehead and there was a lot of swelling after the operation. What's even more amazing is that the nose was sharp even during the first surgery, but with repeated surgeries , the breasts became more and more blunt . I came to the realization that I couldn't.. If I had to re-operate to fix one of my shortcomings , I would say that the re-operation would make the shortcomings go away... But that's not the end of it. Instead of that shortcoming disappearing, another one appears. Besides, the nose is getting worse and worse. In the end, I went through such a gloomy time again. But fortunately, after about 6 months, my breasts disappeared a bit.. I got fatter.. I heard a little bit of pretty things . I also have greed As well as reinforcing the tip of the nose... and changing the shape a bit, I had to have the fourth operation.. The tip of the nose was reinforced as I wanted and the shape was changed as I wanted, but after this surgery, the breasts got worse.. The nose is very blunt and the tip of the nose is lifted. .. perseverance; I am living under a lot of stress because of this.. Should I take this down or not.. But most of the time, I just want to live... This time I took my nose off and I don't know what other flaws I'll notice next time.. This is really a mental illness. It's simple because I wrote it like this.. I want to sell my soul to the devil and go back to the time when I had my first surgery. I ruined my early 20s, which is a good age, because of my greed . People who are having nose surgery for the first time.. Never fantasize about it. You will never be satisfied with that kind of heart.. That's the way to re-operation.. Don't be fooled into thinking that if you raise your forehead high, you 'll be pretty . Reoperation brings another stress due to the changed nose shape. Then, I hope that there will be no unhappy people like me among those who want to undergo surgery.. That's it. And the reason I am writing this is not to force my opinion. It was taken as a reference. Because the choice is yours.

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Cmts 23
05-03-20 21:57
05-03-20 22:08
I read it well~ I had reoperation on my nose. I think plastic surgery is also an addiction.
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