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Inflammation related removal.. Please help me..

Date 13.01.21 16:12:48 View 2,823

After getting rhinoplasty on November 23rd, two weeks later, my forehead suddenly got swollen, so I got an injection and took medicine, and it went down in two days... On January 25th (about a month and 20 days after the surgery), my forehead swelled again. I got an injection, took medicine, and it went down in two days... The hospital said it was okay, but my forehead swelled and went down twice in the past two months . Is this a problem? My nose is originally small, with no bridge and thin skin. My nose bridge is too high. If I just remove the plastic surgery material, what will happen to the tip of my nose? They said I can have a second surgery after 6 months of removal... But since my nose bridge was so nonexistent... I'm worried about after removal... Nose bridge (silicon, Alloderm: silicone added to Alloderm only on the bridge of the nose), nose tip (ear cartilage, nasal septum) The hospital keeps saying it's okay... What should I do??? Seriously... I regret having the second surgery so much... I'm worried about getting an infection? I didn't drink or meet my friends for almost two months because I was worried and I was taking care of it... I cried all day today... I'm going crazy because it was a second surgery. Please give me some advice.

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Cmts 2
Did you use silicone for your first surgery? Was there anything wrong with it then? The swelling between your eyebrows seems to be a rejection reaction to silicone, but Alloderm may not be suitable, or there may be an infection problem during the surgery. Are you red or in pain? In the case of autologous tissue surgery, inflammation can be treated with medication, but if it is inflammation caused by the implant, it needs to be removed quickly. What did the hospital say is the reason?
13-01-21 18:55
After removal, you need to receive anti-inflammatory treatment and after the tissue recovers, you should have surgery with autologous dermis . If the skin is thin and the nose is small, no matter how low the bridge of the nose is, you should not raise the height too much. Because it is small, you should have raised it by 2.3mm, but it seems you raised it more than that. If you raised the bridge of the nose a lot and the tip of the nose accordingly, I think the line will not match if you only remove the silicone, so I think you can adjust the height by leaving the septum extension as it is and removing the ear cartilage graft.
13-01-21 19:01
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