Job Review

It’s been 23 weeks since I had hook nose surgery, so I’m posting a review~ :)

Date 12.03.05 17:03:46 View 3,705

Hello~ It's been 23 weeks since I had hook nose surgery, so I'm posting a review~ : ) If you look at the pictures, you can clearly tell before and after surgery, right? I posted a review around January... I take a lot of photos haha It's the same as it was then and now because it's established and natural Now that it's become more natural, I'm starting to get greedy for other places haha I'm busy studying these days, but Still, I don’t neglect my nose pack and makeup! I was a little scared to get a nose pack at first, but after doing it, it turned out okay^^ I think my image has changed a lot even though I just changed my nose In the past, I was even told that I looked like an old lady ㅠㅠ I said before that I would only take pictures of her profile These days, I've been trying a lot to take pictures of the front too But still, my face keeps turning to the side I can't help it ^^;; Haha, I'll come again next time~ Spring has come, so let’s all get brighter~ : )

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