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It's been 3 years since nose surgery, and I'm writing this to help.

Date 11.11.16 18:11:25 View 11,510

My mom and I both had rhinoplasty and we did it at the same hospital. Mom did it first. First of all, my mom is silicone + ear cartilage , I am silicone + ear cartilage + nasal septum + tying the tip of the nose + shortening the nostrils + I removed the silicone in January of this year (removed 11 months ago) Just by looking at it, I am more complicated; The surgery time was also very long. First of all , is it silicone tea? My mom raised 2 millimeters to 3 millimeters , and I raised it to less than 1 millimeter. Of course, she's more offended by her elevated mom. I'm very thin, so I don't really know it when I just look at it, but when I look at the pictures someone else took, it's a little noticeable. I don't think it's noticeable at all, as I've often heard the phrase "How can you have such a sharp nose?" No matter how many millimeters are used, once the implant is inserted, it seems to be noticeable. 2. Is it a pig nose? Both my mom and I can't . Her mom doesn't because of the silicone and I can't because of the septum. Instead, she moves from side to side. 3. How does your nose feel? Both are stiff. Even if it is soft and twisted freely, I miss the nose that was cool. Especially the tip of the nose is hard when using cartilage. 4. What happens after nose surgery? My mom turns strawberry nose when it's cold. But I don't know if it's really weird. Normal people have red noses when it's cold. I had acute appendicitis and took antibiotics for two months. 5. What has changed after nose surgery? I've seen this at Sungyesa several times, but there are people who say that pimples, acne, sebum, etc. are unusually high after nose surgery. The pimples may be an inflammatory reaction, but I also had a number of pimples the size of a real ragweed on my nose, but not all of them were inflammatory. According to the doctors, since it is a place that has been touched once, that part is weakened, so if you are not feeling well, symptoms may appear as a vulnerable part. That's why you said you might get pimples on your nose. Another thing is that when I'm tired, my nose is really stuffy and stuffy. Sometimes it swells. This is not inflammation, but a reaction to the weakened area as described above. My mom also said that she had a sore nose when she was tired. 6. Does ear cartilage sag? First of all, in my mother's case, yes, I'm beaten. Her mom is about 4 years old and she's definitely more beaten than she was the first time. On the other hand, with her septum, I did not sag at all. 7. Silicone or Gore-Tex, which is better? Gore-Tex doesn't show any better, so if you have thin skin, you have to gore.... Never use silicone. It hurts when you remove it. Can I do side effects me? So did I. I thought there would be no side effects for the rest of my life, and I was relieved because it had been two years since my surgery. I had the silicone removed 2 years after surgery due to inflammation. Inflammation can occur even two years after surgery. I am still thankful to the sky for what I did with silicone. It's terrifying to think about what would have happened if it had been done in gore language. In particular, the nose needs to be removed because reoperation is very high. please! Do it with silicone! For reference, when I was inflamed, I didn't feel red, sore, or itchy. Between the bridge of the nose, the forehead is raised as if it is slightly swollen, and when I play it, it is a little soft. And the inside of my nose was very tight and heavy. It's a little different from a normal inflammatory response. When I pulled out the soft spot with a syringe, something sticky came out, so I immediately removed the silicone. 8. What is the shape of your nose after removing the silicone? There was no big change because I left the tip of the nose and only the implants were worn. Although less clever than the first. Of course, I put it in very thinly, less than 1 millimeter, so it doesn't make a big difference, but if you put it high, you may have a low and high nose with only the tip of the nose high. When I look at my nose now, it feels like the tip of my nose is higher than the bridge of my nose. It's not terribly strange though. 9. Did you build it? didn't come Instead, it seems to have a bit of a bust. These days, there are many relatively safe surgeries such as autogenous dermis and cartilage rearrangement without implants. If I went back to 3 years ago, I would have only rearranged or tied things up. The shape of the nasal septum is really nice, but it's hard and it's a little uncomfortable. I want to get rid of the nasal septum too, but I'm trembling because I'm afraid it's going to go wrong. It would be cool if I just removed it.... If you have any other questions, please leave them below~

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