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My experience and review of my 6th nose surgery in 6 years

Date 11.11.15 00:47:29 View 12,839

By the way, I am posting this in the hope that it will be of some help to those who are scheduled for surgery or have complaints about side effects or other surgical procedures. I had nose surgery 6 years ago when I was 21. In fact, my nose itself was a bit high and had a very slightly crooked appearance. I had a slightly boxy nose, but it was a good nose. However, my nose was a little crooked and the tip of my nose was a little saggy, so I decided to have surgery. The problem was that I rushed here and there before the surgery and didn't even have time to check out the hospital. I just wanted to get it done quickly and get rid of it. W... ㅠ I received a consultation at a plastic surgery clinic in Busan... I was worried about my crooked nose and my nose... The doctor touched and observed my nose and smiled brightly as if he was certain of something. He said he would make Zeko look very cute (by grinding his beak, giving him 1mm of nose filler, and slightly lifting the tip of his nose) , and I believed him. And in that empty hospital, they scheduled the surgery for the very next day, as if there were no patients with reservations, and I had it that day. ...I couldn't sleep at all (because I was so nervous) and I went to get surgery at 10 o'clock the next day...and for a moment, a thought crossed my was a surgery done secretly at home, and the thought of being shattered by my parents later...and...again. After the surgery, I started having random thoughts about what I would do if I messed up. I usually have a good sense of humor. Just as I was lying down in the operating room and getting ready for the surgery, I changed my mind and told the director that I couldn't have the surgery. Since I can't do it, I'll just cancel it, so please refund the money.. The doctor who heard that suddenly made a cold expression and said, "Nurse, please help the patient calm down." The nurse who heard that said, Suddenly, I felt a tingling sensation and they injected my arm. At that moment, I lost consciousness. When I woke up, everything was gone. The doctor said he would make my nose cute a few months later. Unlike before, I ended up with a horrible snub nose. From then on, I was very lonely and had to fight for a long time. When I was 21, I had a snub nose after surgery at Wiet ↑ Busan C Hospital. At the age of 23, I had a snub nose surgery for the second time at Busan ㅌ Plastic Surgery Clinic. I received it.. (carve the existing 1mm into 3mm and replace it with ear cartilage at the tip of the nose to extend the length of the nose and lower the tip of the nose) In fact, there was neither a hospital nor a home purge.. the coordinator was unfriendly and there were flies in the hospital. The doctor said he was sure about my nose... I trusted him, but after the surgery, the lifted nose also improved and showed signs of improvement, but about a year later it started to lift again and became very odd... In the end, when I was 25 years old, I became famous for my Busan nose. I got the rest from plastic surgery. After undergoing bone surgery (sili height adjustment from 3 mm to 1 mm, ear cartilage at the tip of the nose was corrected as expected), there was a clear improvement in the nose and it was fine, but later... due to the feeling of a foreign body (it was an unnecessary overkill...ㅜ), the doctor's doctor's doctor said that the height of the scissors was only 1 mm. Despite opposition, it was removed, and about a third of it contracted afterward. It was filled with filler, but it was not as pretty as when it was filled. So, in November when I was 26, I lowered the tip of my nose again with donated (imported) costal cartilage and made it a little taller. Changed from 1mm to 2mm... But I already have a high forehead and the space between my eyes is not that wide, so I lengthened my nose and the bridge of my nose was originally quite high, but when I put in 2mm, it made my eyes look crowded and my face looked longer, older, and crooked. So I waited for almost a year. However, the impression itself looked very old, cold and dull, so after replacing the Siliman with 1mm 3 weeks ago, there is still some swelling, but I think my nose has become more elegant and has improved considerably to its previous cute and attractive appearance. I only lowered it by 1mm and the result is. He's quite aggressive. Anyway, I've had 6 nose surgeries, including total revision surgery and silica removal and replacement... I'm so sorry that I wasted that hellish golden time with plastic surgery, but I don't want to do it again... and not now. I'm thinking about never having surgery again because I like the way it looks... I've posted so many advice posts here and there, and I've had a lot of surgeries myself, so I know it well... But why do I feel like a shaman who can't see his master? Even though I know clearly how it will be established and what the results will be, I just get impatient and make a fuss... I spent my time like that, feeling comforted by the doctor's answer and the experienced person's answer. Isn't this article too long? From here on out, here are some precautions and help based on my own experience ... 1. Don't imagine that things will change dramatically, like something you could only dream of. - Really... people who become big hits, no matter how bad they were before the surgery, if they fix and improve one part, they become big because all the other parts look more three-dimensional like the butterfly effect... That kind of thing is not common... but most people do. It seems that just because you have a small nose, it doesn't mean that you will suddenly change like a celebrity or become prettier or more handsome. If you give up your dreamy expectations and get the surgery, even if you are not satisfied with the results, you will feel that your face has improved compared to before. You will have a mindset of living with gratitude... 2. Make sure to spend a certain amount of time before surgery to research the hospital where you will have surgery - It is quite important... Even if it is inconvenient, it is a course you must go through. Post consultations here and there and go to various hospitals. Search for hospitals, go to consultations, and so on until you are certain. 3. Communicate sufficiently with the doctor - This is one of the most important things... Bring something like a photo of Song Hye-kyo or draw a picture and show it. Some people might say it's funnier to take a picture of a celebrity and draw it to show the nose I want, but Dr. Jeon actually understood the nose I wanted much better. Ah...what does it look like? This feeling? That's how they understand it. It's difficult to ask for a really low bulbous nose like Song Hye-kyo, but if you show me a picture of a celebrity or draw the nose line you want and ask me to make it even a little closer to this image, even if it doesn't go this far, the doctor will respond. I try my best... However, if the nose does not have the shape I want, we discuss each detail and come to an agreement while working together to design a nose that matches the shape the doctor is pursuing . There is definitely a connection in the line (I always write down what I want to say on a note, so I don't get nervous during consultations with the doctor and I clearly appeal without any tension... And I showed him a picture of a celebrity on the doctor's PC and told him honestly that I wanted this feeling. There, the doctor explained my nose and what I wanted. He looked at the pictures of the nose and said, "This works, that works, but that's difficult." And another thing is that I have to listen carefully to the doctor's words, and I have to accurately convey what I'm saying to the doctor. Especially, I have to make sure that the doctors who are busy and clueless don't forget it haha. Hahaha 4. The period for the swelling to go down and settle after surgery... -I think everyone's constitution and skin characteristics are different, so of course it will be different... Some people have the swelling go down almost all in just a few days, while others have it go away within a month - 2 months, 3 months. The average time for 90-95% of minor swelling to go down seems to be about 3 months based on the results of all people, including those who have not had it go away for 1 year or those who have had it go away in 2 years. It takes about a year for the breast tissue and tissue to stabilize sufficiently. I think it 's said that it takes 3 years for the cells to become completely stable. So, people whose swelling goes down quickly are either born with it or due to their condition at the time or any aftercare, so even if it goes down and settles down quickly, the swelling doesn't stay until late or doesn't settle down. For those who are suffering, manage the swelling for up to 3 months and manage swelling with herbal medicine, pumpkin juice, corn silk tea, other herbal teas, flower petal tea, etc., and compresses. For those who have sternum, manage it with sternum prevention medicine or occasional injections from the beginning, and if it is past the initial stage. You can either wait 1-2 months and continue massaging, or take a little more time and go through the maturation process of the breasts. If you spend all day on the Internet, find out information, and re-read what you have read, you will get the answer 5. Purpose of nose surgery - nose For those who have undergone surgery because they are dissatisfied with the shape of the nose, I think the biggest effect is improving the overall image rather than the shape of the nose alone... Above all, it must be well-harmonized. If you look at the nose after rhinoplasty, it doesn't look that good, but strangely, the overall facial image after the surgery is not good. It's gotten better, or even prettier. But if you look at just the nose , it's super pretty, but the overall feeling and image of the face makes it look older, rougher, crooked, unattractive, or unnatural.. Which one would you choose?? I wouldn't like it more if my nose looked pretty and it looked prettier overall. That's really great, but you still need to focus more on improving your overall image. If you're a little dissatisfied with the shape of your nose, you can slightly touch it up or use filler (the inconvenience of having to get it periodically) You can see some improvement with makeup, but if the image itself is damaged, it will be extremely stressful, and in severe cases, depression, personality changes (irritability, timidity, avoidance of people, etc.), and in more severe cases, even suicidal impulses ... For those who keep thinking and conflicting, out of 10 honest friends, give weight to the opinion that at least 6 to 7 honestly agree with... After nose surgery, unless you are a person with a very detailed and objective perspective... be honest with others. I think it's helpful to be evaluated calmly. I'm somewhat satisfied after the surgery, but I'm pretty enough, but I'm greedy... Should I do a little more work?? For those of you who think that, please be satisfied with the present as much as possible.. Don't burn or tear up all your old photos. Hold on to one or two of them, and whenever you feel greedy and want to be prettier than you are now, take out photos of yourself from the past and look at them. ...My greed disappears completely haha ​​Anyway, what I said was too long, right?? These days, there are so many posts about hair removal, reoperation, or dissatisfaction with appearance, so I wrote this post to provide some comfort or help. And for plastic surgery sites, you should join several groups, not just one, and read the posts objectively . Due to the poor results of Seongyesa's surgery, there are a lot of posts about reoperation, removal of threads, or replacement like me. People who are about to undergo surgery for the first time or are conflicted about their current appearance may make a mistake because of the crowd mentality... You will be pretty enough after surgery. People are giving up on surgery, removing it, or having another surgery for no reason... ㅅ ㅏThere are times when depressing reviews are posted on this site. I think the misconception that if I have surgery, will I all change in a bad way or be ruined like that?, it leads to prejudice about surgery or to worries that I don't need to worry about in advance. There are so many successful or successful people who live in good shape for years or even decades after surgery. There are a lot!! So, you must always look at it objectively and broadly, and make up your mind before making that decision. Whether it is the first surgery or a reoperation.. Anyway, in the end, the surgery is performed by the doctor, and I must become one with the doctor through sufficiently thorough consultation. And... you need to have an objective perspective and your own detailed perspective, and you should not be too greedy and get caught up in your dreams and give up excessive expectations that tomorrow you will be reborn as Kim Tae-hee, Son Ye-jin, and Song Hye-kyo. Harmony is the most important thing in nose surgery. Kim Tae-hee There are many people with much prettier eyes or noses than Kim Tae-hee's. However, when the Creator puts them together, it is quite rare to find someone prettier than Kim Tae-hee. Modern medicine is getting more and more developed. Oh... I think there is always a way for plastic medicine too. Just like if you fall and get hurt and bleed, you should be careful not to fall again and get hurt less... As much as it hurt after the surgery... I spent that lonely and long time alone, unable to talk to anyone. As much as it was painful, my heart has grown a little more, and I believe that next time, I will definitely make a more careful decision and see good results... And for those of you who are about to have surgery , please throw away your impatience, excessive worries, and illusions. Consult your doctor thoroughly while praying that your facial harmony will go well. If you really think that it will get better, go for the surgery with a positive mind. Don't be afraid. There is a certain amount of pain, time, and money you will have to endure. I think it is a rite of passage.. Anyway, I believe that those who are in the process of butterfly metamorphosis or those who are having a hard time will have time to get better in the future!! I hope that everyone at Seongyesa will be filled with better, prettier, and more handsome people. I hope Seongyesa will become a doll factory! Haha Everyone, be prettier tomorrow than today^^

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