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It's been almost 4 months since my nose tip was removed...

Date 10.12.10 09:59:00 View 5,212

It's been a while since I wrote. It's the end of the year and there's a lot to do... As I live a busy life, I find myself doing other things when I don't have time to think. The nose will be removed in about 10 days and it will be 4 months. After about 3 months, my nose didn't look completely unnatural, but I started to worry a lot about the inside of my nose becoming puffy and the tip of my nose getting bigger. Every time I look in the mirror, I think about getting breast injections around Christmas. The tip of the nose is still a lot bigger than before. ㅜㅜ There is some fat on the top of the bridge of the nose, but the border between the bridge has become softer on both sides of the bridge, and the overall shape is rounder, making it look bigger... It is said that you have seen the effect of the injection for the bridge of the nose. After reading people's posts, I thought a lot about whether I should get it or not, but Maybee said it would get smaller, so I'm keeping my mind focused and watching... I'm going to wait until February... That's when it'll be 6 months, and I'm trying to decide whether or not to get a breast injection. Also, I said before that when I go out in the cold, my nose feels very tight and dry, but this seems to have lessened. When I wake up in the morning, it's still swollen and tingling... especially lately, it's been very dry. When I wake up, I feel dizzy and my nose is dry and clogged, so I have to clean my nose while washing my face to feel better. The fat in my left nostril has almost disappeared, but the fat in my right nostril is still protruding, so my right nostril is smaller. It's uncomfortable to clean my nose... When will this go away... ㅜㅜ It's still uncomfortable in my ears without the ear cartilage... That's it. I think the lifting and shape change in my nose has eased a lot now. However, the shape of the nose looks a little different because the breast meat is attached, but I think it's because of the location of the breast meat. I'm most concerned about the enlarged size of the tip of my nose and the fat inside my right nostril. Perhaps because of this, my right nostril has become smaller and visibly uneven, but this is also upsetting... that's right. I'm curious about the well-being of those who came in after a long time and messaged me saying they were removed, so I'm writing this to convey my regards.

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