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What I felt during rhinoplasty reoperation (Fin nose / Bok nose / Reason for nose enlargement / Removal / Reoperation precautions)

Date 10.12.05 05:00:30 View 23,548

I'll write what I've experienced so far. When I looked at the things I was most curious about, many of the questions I was worried about were posted. First. Let's talk about Bokko. Everyone knows that the more you touch your nose, the more breasts you get. The build-up period in collagen usually starts from 2 weeks and progresses up to 1 year at the longest. Those with a large nose or underdeveloped nasal cartilage and thick nose tip skin can last up to 1 year. Those with thick nose tip should think carefully. For example, if you look at the skin on the elbow, it is very thin, right? People with meburikoisin will have very thin skin on the part of the forehead between the brows. The reason is that as you grow over the decades, your bones are pressing on your skin, so your skin is getting thinner. As for the skin on the tip of the nose. Nasal cartilage (I will tell you with the meaning of the bone at the tip of the nose) If the cartilage on the nasal tip is small, the pressure on the skin on the tip of the nose will be less. Then, there are people who have a well-developed nasal cartilage on the tip of the nose (in the case of Westerners, there are a lot of people who show the tip of the nose with cartilage on the tip of the nose), that is, there are people who have thin nose skin and small cartilage on the nasal tip itself. Some people have thick nose skin because the nasal cartilage itself is underdeveloped. Because of this, the final result of swelling of the nose is 3 months for some people, 6 months for others, and 1-2 years for others. It was also written above. Silicone or ear cartilage is reflected in these people over a period of several years or a long period of time, because silicone or ear cartilage compresses the skin and becomes thinner and shows through. Therefore, for those who have transparent skin, there are cases when using Alloderm or dermal fascia to reinforce the thickness of the skin and insert an implant at the same time. As time passes, the skin becomes thinner and illuminates. 2. Reasons for nose enlargement after repeated reoperation or removal The nose can be divided into 4 parts. 1. Nasal bone-2. Nasal septum-3. Skin on the back of the nose-4. The tip of the nose (up to the nasal bridge) (refer to the photo) Here, No. 3 skin on the bridge of the nose The skin on the nose is the thickest. For example, let's say that the implant has been removed. Up to 1.2.3., it fills with breast meat (empty space). From 1 to 4, it is pulled straight out. Then the nose will be shortened at number 4, and the pulled skin will have the thickest skin at number 3, right? No. 3 skin on the nose is the most important for the fact that the human nose is small and large . If this part is wide or protrudes forward (that is, high), it is said that the nose is large. A typical example is Mr. Ipani. No. 3 If the skin on the bridge of the nose spreads to the side, it is possible to reposition the nasal cartilage at the tip of the nose and suture the tip of the nose cartilage (to some extent), but if the skin on the bridge of the nose is high, it cannot be reduced. Even if the fat side cartilage is collected and reduced, if the skin itself is thick, it will be reduced laterally, but it cannot be given in the future. In other words, if the skin in No. 3 is high, the nose cannot be significantly reduced, and if there is a contracture or a breast scar after reoperation, the skin in No. 3 becomes thick or an empty space (dead cavity) is created . There are several ways to prevent it, such as risaben massage. In my experience, as a result of repeating the removal and reoperation, when I removed it, the contracture was relieved quickly by massaging it. Once touched, the habit of continuing to touch...etc. The reason why the nose and nose are getting bigger is summarized as follows. Most people will feel that, but No. 3 is the key to Bokko. No. 4 only affects the side of the tip of the nose. And let's anticipate Finko. In order for the nose to look straight, the line between the eyebrows and the eyebrows and the pharyngeal line must match. What does this mean.. Nasal bone - septum - skin on the back of the nose (most of the left and right heads are different) - cartilage of the nasal tip of the nose (there are many people who are not symmetrical) Most people do not have a straight line from the forehead to the lip line. It's because the face axis is wrong. (Most don't know. The mirror is when I look at myself, but when others see me, the symmetry is reversed. (Selfie is a mirror mode, a photo taken by another person looking at Nam Ina) You can check it by looking at a photo taken by another person or a hospital photo. Then, draw the center line from the forehead to the tip of the nose. It is the difference between aligning the forehead to the glabellar line and the nose tip to the lip line. Pretend that you are aligning the glabellar line. If the part that connects the maxilla and the nasal bone is twisted to the left or right side, the tip of the nose will also be twisted even if the nasal septum is straight. It can get better, but for example, if it is curved in the shape of a c, it is slightly straightened, but it does not straighten. It is because it recurs. If the nose is spread out, large, or low, it does not appear to be curved Most people have curved nostrils, and the reason for the nostrils is that the nose was pressed before surgery (the nostrils are lying down). If it is even after removal, the nose skin came up when it was closed, or the septum was bent, or various probabilities) Conclusion If only the nose is bent, surgery is highly likely to improve If the shaft itself is bent, rather than raising the nose too much, or if the nose is too thin, it will look bigger (Black people don't get a tee at all even if their nose is curved, while Westerners are poisonous) Finally, a question about the material Nasal septum. Rib cartilage. Mad pore, ear cartilage , gore-tex , etc. All materials are good and bad, but the most powerful support is effective to pull the skin down in the 3rd step I mentioned earlier, but that is the skill of a doctor, that is, a doctor who uses ear cartilage well has know-how. In my opinion, the costal cartilage is a last resort and an aggressive method, so if you put a support in the last place (inserting a support between the wing cartilages), the lower cartilage bridge wears out and becomes thinner, so it sometimes collapses after removal. The same goes for Mad Pore (even if I don't have to say it) , but if the skin is very thick at step 3, costal cartilage is the most effective, but you will have to bear it later.. Because the patient's satisfaction is the result (shape) after plastic surgery, doctors also recommend using the Med Pore or costal cartilage support. There is bound to be a lot of temptation, and if used properly, I don't think it's bad (Medpore is not). First surgery Ear cartilage at the tip of the nose + cartilage relocation + support x 2nd nose tip cartilage (ear/nasal septum) + cartilage relocation + support septum Third nasal septum Cartilage (ear/nasal septum) + cartilage relocation + support costal cartilage The most sure way to reduce an attack Nose tip (ear/nasal septum) + cartilage rearrangement + support rib cartilage + nostril reduction

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