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If you are thinking about surgery,

Date 10.06.10 16:52:43 View 3,473

I'm embarrassed to say something like this after undergoing nose surgery, but because I'm sure the people who will have the surgery know, I'm not sure if I'm stupid for not knowing, but I'm sure there are people who make the same mistake as me, I think you need to know exactly about your nose, Looking in the mirror hundreds of times, not taking selfies of pretty girls, looking at the pictures taken with the camera exactly where the tip of the nose protrudes the most, how the left and right 45 degrees are different, I'm not saying that just because the bridge of the nose is slightly protruding. De,,,, the middle bone is slightly out of the picture,, I have been living for about 25 years thinking that the tip of my nose was stuck in my burrow, but somehow, not a selfie, I looked at the exact picture I took at the hospital before the surgery and only the bridge of my nose It only came out slightly, the tip of the nose was very precisely in the middle,,,,, since I raised my nose like that,, of course, I could hear it, to the extent that the flesh on the tip of the nose (the flesh between the nostrils, the front part of the nasal passages) disappeared,,,, ,, I heard that it looks like an artificial nose if there is no flesh in this part,, the bridge of the nose and the tip of the nose are high, there is no flesh here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a friend said that the nostrils are clearly visible from a glance from below, ,ㅡㅠTTㅠ Isn't this what the doctor has to tell me, on the other hand, I'll do what the patient said that everything will be fine,,,,, I said, "Teacher, I'm not a beeson nose, just put up the droopy thing,,," Then the person called the doctor "If you raise the tip of your nose, you can see it, so you have to raise it while extending it so that you can't see it from the front. If you don't cut the ribs, the curve of the bridge of the nose will of course remain," you have to say!!! But that person "Oh, yes~ If you tie the cartilage and ear cartilage, it will rise beautifully and naturally" ㅡㅡ,,,,,,,,,,"It's a very simple operation, don't worry~ It's all over if you get a good night's sleep",,,,, For those who are worried about surgery ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I think there are people who don't have to do it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I think that there are people who can do it, but it is in harmony with the face. If it's not particularly stressful enough to go crazy, it's Vichu, unless it 's extremely short, extremely long, severely chubby, or severely bubbly. You're saying,,,,,,,, that's right,,,,,,,,,,, It's saying that anger causes anger. In the words of ~,,,, I'm not saying it's pretty~ You have to have surgery to become pretty~ But it broke down, I think you have a nose that suits you, just because you have a pretty nose doesn't make you pretty, but you ca n't fix everything to fit your nose,,,, You may think that it is very remote, but I am sure there are people like me who do not have a lot of plastic surgery information, have never heard advice, and are wondering what to do, so I will post my original nose picture. ,,Is Iko staring badly? When the doctor said that it was sagging a lot and would lift it upwards If I had known exactly about my nose, I would have gone to another hospital to find out,,,, my nose has a slight bridge of the nose and the tip of the nose is not high (I see it now, it just seems to be normal,,,,,,, Why did I think that the tip of the nose was so low in the past,,), ,But if you stand it at an angle, you can see the nose lifted. If you want to set it up a little higher in a balanced way from the nose, you have to raise it by pulling it forward rather than obliquely. People who can't see a lot are stressed because their nose is high, so no matter how pretty the side line is, if you can see even a little bit more from the front than before the nostrils, because they have been accustomed to the tip of their nose for decades, do people live by looking at their profile, even when putting on makeup or looking in the mirror What you see is the front,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I do a lot of virtual plastic surgery on the side, so be sure to do the front too,,,, make sure you have nose surgery without mistakes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if possible, change your body,,,,,,,, style While taking care of you, love your original face,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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