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Precautions after nose surgery~~

Date 10.01.30 22:51:11 View 5,136

This is written on a piece of paper given to me before surgery at the hospital I went to. Isn't this copyright infringement? LOL -_- 1. The next morning, hold the end of the gauze with your hand and gently remove it. If it falls out due to sneezing, etc., do not put it back in. If you have had nasal bone reduction surgery, please do not remove the gauze yourself and visit the hospital the next day. 2. After removing the gauze, apply Fucidin ointment to the area using a cotton swab 2-3 times a day. 3. When going to bed, sleep with a high pillow. 4. During your visit 4-5 days later, some of the tape over your nose will be removed and the surgical area will be disinfected. Before that, do not attempt to remove the tape yourself. 5. If blood may ooze out a little for a few days after the surgery, this is a normal process of draining the blood accumulated during the surgery. Use a cosmetic tissue to gently wipe away the blood that flows down. 6. At the next visit after 7 days, all possible stitches will be removed. 7. You can wash your face and apply makeup from the 8th day. 8. For 3 weeks after surgery, do not press your nose, apply shock to your nose, touch your nose, or move it. 9. Sauna, steam room, removable nose pack, nose massage, strenuous exercise that may put strain on the nose (swimming, squash, etc.), and wearing glasses are allowed starting from the 3rd week after surgery. 10. Lying down for too long can cause swelling to go down late. 11. Applying a cold compress directly to the nose may cause injury to the nose, so it is okay to only apply the compress to the area around the face or not. 12. Please refrain from drinking and smoking for 3 weeks after surgery. On the 7th day, while I was going to have my stitches removed, I saw someone on the street with tape on his nose and wearing glasses -_-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; I really wanted to go and stop him, but he went away so quickly-_-lol; Anyway, I'm sharing it. LOL There are originally numbers 1 to 14, but number 1 is personal and number 14 is a hospital phone number, so I won't post it~~~ Let's take good care of everyone~~ =ㅁ=

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